THE case for your GoPro Hero 9 Actioncams + accessories! Thanks to its size and the two custom foam layers it provides enough space for up to three GoPro Hero 9 and the necessary accessories: GoPro Media MOD, waterproof housing, up to 7 batteries, the dual battery charger, up to 8 microSD memory cards, floating hand grip, mounting brackets, cables and much more. A spares compartment (195 x 60 x 60 mm) in first layer and 3 spares compartments (2 compartments each 145x 90 x 33 mm / 1 compartment 305 x 105 x 33 mm) in second layer offers space for additional accessories and it is possible to charge two batteries directly in the case.
All features at a glance
*GoPro and accessories are not included in the delivery *
Вид продукта | Чемодан |
Совместимость | GoPro Hero7/8/9 |
Цвет | Черный |
Водонепроницаемый | Да |
Опции кейса | с наполнителем, поролоном |