The three-lens design of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC ED-Apochromats provides everything an amateur astronomer desires - at a reasonable price. The construction with Hoya FCD001 ED glass has two air spaces and provides a level of correction so superior to the two-lens constructions, that are common in this price class, that you will see the difference immediately.
This excellent optical performance teams up with a high precision mechanics - the result is a telescope on a level that is setting a new standard in it´s price class. Astrophotographers will love this telescope - a optional field flattener is available and makes the telescope perfect even for cameras with a large chip format.
These very popular EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Triplet ED APO Refractors we do offer in 3 different product lines:
Essential Line: HOYA FCD-1 Glass lens, AL-Tube, 2.0'' Rack & Pinion Focuser with 1:10, 2.0'' Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112084(AL), 0112106(AL), 0112132(AL)), 0112155(CF + 3''FT)).
Professional Line: HOYA FCD-100 Glass lens, AL/CF-Tube, 2.5'' HEXAFOC Focuser with 1:10, 2.0'' Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112086(AL), 0112108(AL), 0112109(CF), 0112134(AL), 0112135(CF)).
High-End Line: OHARA FPL-53 Glass lens, Carbon (CF) Tube, 3.0'' Feather-Touch Focuser with 1:10, 2.0'' Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112165(CF)).
IMPORTANT NOTE: this telescope is supplied without finder or flight case. Compatible finders include the 0620150 EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC ES 8x50 Illuminated Finder Scope, the 0620160 EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 8x50 90° PolarFinder+Amici-Prism Finder Scope and the 0620170 and 0620180 Explore Scientific 50mm and 60mm Finder-Guidescopes. The 0690420 EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Flight-Case ED127 ALU Tube and 0690460 EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Telescope Case ED-APO & AR 127s/152s are both recommended for storage and transportation.
Aperture: 127mm
Focal Length: 952mm
Focal Ratio: f/7.5
Weight: 7.7kg
Backfocus: 165mm beyond 2'' adaptor
Optics with dovetail plate and finder slot
2'' Star Diagonal 99% reflectivity
Dust caps for front-lens and focuser
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