Walimex pro 16 Angle Softbox Ш180cm Aurora/Bowens

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Walimex pro


Лизинг. калькулятор
Первый взнос,
В месяц,
  • the mammoth between the softboxes: Terrific 180cm in diameter!
  • ideal for the professional beauty and product photography, group and full-length photography
  • optimal for taking photos of medium-sized objects
  • for an even rounder eye lighting than with octagons
  • for even and soft illuminations
  • photographer can stand in front of the box – no shadows
  • soft tiltings thanks to convenient, integrated bracket
  • with removable front and rear diffuser
  • we recommend to use this item with flash devices from at least 400Ws
  • suitable for e.g. Aurora Fusion, Digis series, Bowens Gemini series...

Gigantic like a mammoth, persistent like a mammoth, tough like a mammoth! And by far not extinct, but just on the way to capture the territory with great steps!

The 16 Angle Softbox with incredible 180cm diameter is the new star in the walimex pro sky! It provides the right light not only in product and portrait photography, but also in beauty photography and leads to professional results. In contrast to normal Octagon Softboxes, the almost circular form leads to a more natural light and particularly delightful eye reflections. Benefit from these features!

The convenient bracket ensures, that the huge Softbox can be tilted without problems. The silver coating on the inside of the Softbox as well as the front and rear diffusors are established, but nevertheless further very important characteristics, which make this product to what a mammoth stands for: An impressive giant!

Please note, that due to the construction of the diffusor, the Softbox can only be used for background lighting to a limited degree.

1x walimex Softboxadapter fьr Aurora/Bowens

General information

Material Metal
Product Color Silver


Bayonet Aurora/Bowens
Outer Diameter 152mm
inner diamter 95mm


Girth 417mm
Height of Packaging 39mm
Length of Packaging 150mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 174g
Width of Packaging 150mm

1x walimex pro 16-Winkel-Softbox Ш180cm#

General information

Product Color Black
Material Nylon, metal
Weight 6500g
Depth 800mm


Field of Application Beauty, Products, Group Photography, Full Body
Angle 16
Diameter 1800mm
Grid/Overlay No
Coating Silver
Interdiffuser Yes


Girth 1075mm
Height of Packaging 215mm
Length of Packaging 1230mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 7550g
Width of Packaging 215mm


Girth 1400mm
Length of Packaging 1270mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole Nomm
Weight incl. Packaging 7724g
Width of Packaging 280mm
Вид продуктаСофтбокс
Тип софтбокса16-тиугольный
Совместимость адаптераBowens
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