Объективы - SAMYANG 14MM F/2,8 ED AS IF UMC PENTAX K - быстрый заказ от производителя

This Falcon 14mm f / 2.8 IF ED MC Aspherical Super Wide Angle lens is an excellent quality lens That Represents very good value. Fantastic super-wide angle effect, It allows the photographer create a great quality images.


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Лизинг. калькулятор
Первый взнос,
В месяц,
  • Model: 14mm f2.8 IF ED MC Aspherical
  • Lens: Ultra Wide Angle
  • Focal length:  14mm
  • Maximum aperture: 22
  • Angle of view: 114
  • Minimum focusing distance: 0,28m
  • Minimum aperture: 2.8
  • Number of diaphragm blades: 6
  • Auto focus type: Manual Focus
  • Lens Construction: 14 elemenst in 12 groups
  • Available mounts: Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Samsung, Panasonic/Olympus 4/3 (OBS! OBS! Om detta objektiv ska användas med Micro 4/3 kameror som t.ex: Panasonic G-serie eller Olympus Pen krävs en adapter: Panasonic DK ADAPTER DMW MA1)

Note regarding Canon AE:
An aperture control motor and CPU chip is installed within 14mm F2.8 ED AS IF UMC Canon AE lens to assist Auto Exposure (AE) for Canon cameras. The aperture can be controlled from the Canon camera body thanks to the motor and chip. Also the appropriate focus is guided with indicator light.

This Samyang 14mm f / 2.8 IF ED MC Aspherical Super Wide Angle lens is an excellent quality lens That Represents very good value. Fantastic super-wide angle effect, It allows the photographer create a great quality images.

This lens will work with both full frame and APS-C sensor cameras!

The minimum focus distance is only 0.28 meter / 0.92 feet. This is a manual focus lens and there is an aperture ring. Internal Focusing - there is no magnification effect.

The build quality is very good. The lens elements are multicoated (14 lenses in 12 groups, with two hybrid aspherical lens elements and two ED lens elements).

This Samyang 14mm f / 2.8 IF ED MC Aspherical Super Wide Angle lens is an excellent quality lens That Represents very good value. Fantastic super-wide angle effect, It allows the photographer create a great quality images.

This lens will work with both full frame and APS-C sensor cameras!

The minimum focus distance is only 0.28 meter / 0.92 feet. This is a manual focus lens and there is an aperture ring. Internal Focusing - there is no magnification effect.

The build quality is very good. The lens elements are multicoated (14 lenses in 12 groups, with two hybrid aspherical lens elements and two ED lens elements).

БайонетPentax K
Lens Format CoverageFull Frame
Lens DesignФикс объективы
Фокусное расстояние, мм14
Focus TypeManual Focus
Image StabilizationНет
Тип обьективаширокоугольный
Maximum Aperturef/2.8
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