The compact Vortex Razor HD 11-33x50 Angled Spottingscope delivers high quality images, is suitable for spectacle wearers and weighs only 708 grams. The HD extra-low dispersion glass elements provide optimum resolution and true colours. The dielectric prism coatings increase brightness and the XR lens coatings optimise light transmission and eliminate unwanted reflections. The aprochromatic lens reduces chromatic aberration.
Waterproof and protective
The lens is sealed with special O-rings to prevent dust, water or dirt from entering the housing. The telescope is filled with Argon gas, which makes it fog-free and waterproof. The scratch-resistant ArmorTek coating is tough and protects the outside of the lens from scratches, oil and dirt.
Ease of use
The curved viewing angle provides more comfort when viewing for longer periods and allows you to use the telescope in combination with a small and light tripod. Thanks to the viewing angle, the telescope does not have to be placed high on a tripod, which improves its stability. The Vortex Razor HD has "Dual Focus". This means that you first focus with the large ring, after which you can adjust the focus even more precisely with the smaller knob at the front.
Magnification from 11-33x
Image with optimum resolution, brightness and true colours
Prevents annoying reflections or chromatic aberration
High ease of use and very precise focusing
Sealed against dust, moisture and dirt with O-rings
Waterproof and fog-free performance
Suitable for spectacle wearers
Lifetime Warranty
In the box
1 x Case with strap
1 x Tethered objective cover
1 x Tethered ocular cover
1 x Lens Cloth
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