Walimex pro mutabilis Action-Set

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Walimex pro


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  • Video rig set for highest flexibility
  • Quality “Made in Germany”
  • Use of very light and highly loadable aircraft aluminium
  • Flexible and extensible rig-system

Quality Made in Germany

100 percent developed and manufactured in Germany, this system convinces with outstanding precision and workmanship, exceptional materials and well thought-out engineering skills. Due to the use of particularly light aircraft aluminium, this innovative rig system even withstands highest loads. Highest possible accuracy in milling and smallest tolerances at the interfaces ensure a product design on the highest possible level. The walimex pro Mutabilis video rig system is the perfect basis to lift your films on a professional level.

Mutabilis – Latin for changeable
The Mutabilis video rig system is, above all, characterized by its modular design. The base unit is the central element, which can be individually extended and adapted for any possible situation. With just a few flicks of the wrist this system can be converted from a tripod mounted unit to a very light shoulder rig. Due to the compatibility of the individual accessory parts, as well as the compliance with all applicable industrial standards, this system offers you full flexibility in use - no matter whether you work on your own, or in a team. Due to the continuous expansion of innovative accessories, this system will be your reliably companion in any possible situation for many years.

The Action-Set
The walimex pro Mutabilis Action-Set offers highest possible flexibility in use. This complete set contains all components required for the use as a professional shoulder rig, including the counter-weight plate for additional powerpacks or weights. The system can also be used as a base unit on a tripod as well as on a cage substitute for ground level filming. Due to the modular design it just remains a matter of your creativity to combine the accessories for achieving optimal results. Thanks to the vast number of 1/4 inch photo threads you will always be able to attach further accessories, like external monitors, LED-lights, microphones, etc. The walimex pro Mutabilis Action-Set is your ideal companion in any video shooting situation.

General information

Material Aviation aluminium, stainless steel
Product Color Black
Cage Compatibility DSLR, CSC, Video camera, Production cameras
Weight 2400g
Width 260mm
Height 400mm
Length 630mm
Rod-based Yes


Max. Capacity 12kg
Rod diameter 15mm
modular system Yes


Girth 1214mm
Height of Packaging 150mm
Length of Packaging 414mm
Packaging Material Wooden Box
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 4639g
Width of Packaging 250mm
Atbalsta sistēmasPleca atbalsti
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