Walimex pro DSLR Rig RL-00 II Starter Set

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Walimex pro


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    • stabilizing beginner’s rig for shake-free video filming with DSLRs and system cameras
      • light-weight and sturdy build due to ABS material
      • rubberized quick-release plate and shoulder bracket as well as two hand grips
      • modular setup of the elements
      • well-suited for left-handed and right-handed users
      • compatible for accessories with a rod diameter of 15mm
      • small transport size
    • convenient follow focus for DSLRs and system cameras
      • allows smooth tracking of focus when filming
      • for video rigs with a rod diameter of 15mm
      • suitable for left-handed and right-handed persons
      • lightweight and sturdy build due to ABS material
    • C bracket  optimal for video filming at ground level or from a worm’s eye view
        • rubberized hand grip for good grip and high comfort of use

        The walimex pro Hand-Shoulder-Videotripod Cineast III is a stabilizing shoulder rig which allows the easy start into video filming. The shoulder bracket and both hand grips allows you to calmly direct your DSLR or system camera.

        The modular setup not only makes the use for left-handed and right-handed persons possible, it is also ideal for adjusting the rig individually to your height and fields of use. You can attach various accessories such as microphones, LED lights or a follow focus system with additional clamps and rods with a diameter of 15mm on the rig. Additionally, the 1/4 inch thread on the hand grip can be used to mount the shoulder rig or the adapter unit onto a tripod. The additional C bracket was developed to facilitate filming from a worm's eye view.

        The follow focus by walimex pro allows an easy but precise tracking of the focus when filming with DSLR cameras. The gear ring can be mounted to any lens and therefore completes the follow focus system. The focus wheel of the system is equipped with a white surface allowing you to mark and reproduce the focus area; this is also facilitated by two stoppers.

        The Follow Focus can be mounted to all video rigs with a rod diameter of 15mm on both sides and comes with an accessory adapter for flexible whips and crank levers ideal for use by a camera assistant.

        1x walimex pro Hand-Schulter-Videostativ Cineast III

        General information

        Width 255mm
        Weight 910g
        Length 490mm
        Material ABS
        Product Color Black, Blue
        Cage Compatibility DSLR, CSC, Video camera
        Compatible with Aptaris No


        Rod diameter 15mm
        Max. Capacity 8kg
        modular system Yes
        Made in Germany No


        Girth 610mm
        Height of Packaging 90mm
        Length of Packaging 314mm
        Packaging Material Carton
        Packaging with Euro Hole No
        Weight incl. Packaging 1072g
        Width of Packaging 170mm

        1x walimex pro C-Tragearm 15mm fьr DSLR-Rig

        General information

        Weight 320g
        Material ABS
        Product Color Black, Blue


        Made in Germany No
        Max. Capacity 6kg
        Rod diameter 15mm


        Girth 407mm
        Height of Packaging 59mm
        Length of Packaging 250mm
        Weight incl. Packaging 319g
        Width of Packaging 115mm

        1x walimex pro Schдrfezieheinrichtung Follow Focus

        General information

        Weight 160g
        Material ABS, synthetic material
        Product Color Black, White, Blue
        Lenght gear rim 360mm


        3/8 inch accesories thread No
        Rod diameter 15mm


        Girth 428mm
        Height of Packaging 79mm
        Length of Packaging 155mm
        Weight incl. Packaging 263g
        Width of Packaging 90mm


        Girth 1355mm
        Height of Packaging 150mm
        Length of Packaging 445mm
        Weight incl. Packaging 1654g
        Width of Packaging 305mm
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