Walimex pro Aptaris Frame Director Set

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Walimex pro


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  • better monitor handling
  • protection from damage
  • secure attachment of monitor and cable
  • easy transfer to the tripod
  • suitable for a wide range of monitors

The Aptaris frame director set will ensure better handling when using production monitors or video recorders. It will also protect the monitor from damage if it falls or is knocked. The set includes the height and width adjustable Aptaris universal frame.

The two grips can be attached separately. Two belt eyelets are provided so a neck strap can be used, which provides marked relief when worn for longer periods.

The monitor is attached to the underside using a ј inch screw. If necessary, the monitor can also be attached to the upper side. Two small, adjustable pins ensure that the monitor will not rotate once attached. The cable guard offers optimum protection from tensile load caused by defective connection jacks. It also allows several cables to be attached at the same time. The tripod adapter enables the director set to be moved easily to a tripod. It is screwed directly to the tripod plate.

1x walimex pro Aptaris Universal Handle large

General information

Material Aviation aluminium
Product Color Black
Length 120mm
Weight 150g
Height 33mm
Width 70mm


Made in Germany Yes


Girth 267mm
Height of Packaging 21mm
Length of Packaging 137mm
Weight incl. Packaging 180g
Width of Packaging 75mm

1x walimex pro Aptaris Universal Frame

General information

Cage Compatibility DSLR, CSC, Video camera, Production cameras, Production cameras
incl. handle Yes
rattle clamp No
system Cage
Width 277mm
Weight 500g
Height 154mm
Material Anodized aluminium (AW7075)
Product Color Black
Adjustable Height and breadth
Inside width max. 252mm
Inside width max. 160mm
Inside width max. 130mm
Inside width max. 78mm


modular system Yes


Girth 904mm
Height of Packaging 143mm
Length of Packaging 214mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 1019g
Width of Packaging 202mm

1x walimex pro Aptaris Cable Guard

General information

Material Aluminium anodised
Product Color Black
Depth 20mm
Weight 38g
Length 78mm
Compatible with Aptaris Yes


3/8 inch accesories thread No
Made in Germany Yes


Girth 291mm
Height of Packaging 39mm
Length of Packaging 104mm
Weight incl. Packaging 59g
Width of Packaging 71mm

1x walimex pro Aptaris Stativ Adapter

General information

Compatible with Aptaris Yes


Made in Germany Yes


Girth 127mm
Height of Packaging 9mm
Length of Packaging 126mm
Weight incl. Packaging 39g
Width of Packaging 50mm


Girth 12mm
Height of Packaging 1mm
Length of Packaging 4mm
Weight incl. Packaging 1318g
Width of Packaging 3mm
Atbalsta sistēmasKomplekti
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