Walimex pro Aptaris camcorder shoulder rig

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Walimex pro


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  • Rig set for almost all camera systems
  • for camcorders / DSLRs / CSCs and digital cine cameras
  • height-adjustable using spacer rods to obtain optimum distance from the rod module
  • ergonomically shaped handles and shoulder padding

The walimex pro Aptaris camcorder shoulder rig is the perfect base for camcorders or digital cine cameras. Thanks to the spacer rods provided, the base plate can be placed so that the lens is at the right distance from the rods. Then, accessories such as follow focus or matte box can be assembled optimally, whether your are working with a CSC, DSLR or a camcorder. The Baseplate made in Germany has been developed in cooperation with professional film makers. For cameras that are only assembled with a screw, the base plate has an anti-twist safeguard. This hold the camera in place, even if placed under great stress.

The shoulder module contained in the set means that shoots can be done over a long period. The shoulder padding can be adjusted. The module is suitable for right and left-handers, and can be transformed easily into a one shoulder camera system . The ergonomically shaped handles can be adapted to the requirements of the photographer using a rosette, and if desired, can be screwed on.

1x walimex pro Edelstahl Rods 400mm

General information

Product Color Silver
Material Stainless steel
Length 400mm


Made in Germany Yes


Girth 500mm
Height of Packaging 14mm
Length of Packaging 402mm
Weight incl. Packaging 400g
Width of Packaging 35mm

1x walimex pro Aptaris Griffmodul

General information

Material Aviation aluminium
Product Color Black
Height 120mm
Width 240mm
Depth 29mm
Weight 370g
Compatible with Aptaris Yes


Rod diameter 15mm
Made in Germany Yes


Girth 465mm
Height of Packaging 35mm
Length of Packaging 241mm
Weight incl. Packaging 400g
Width of Packaging 180mm

1x walimex pro Aptaris Schultermodul

General information

Material Aircraft-aluminium
Depth 16mm
Width 190mm
Weight 400g
Height 63mm
Compatible with Aptaris Yes


Rod diameter 15mm
Made in Germany Yes


Girth 286mm
Height of Packaging 32mm
Length of Packaging 324mm
Weight incl. Packaging 419g
Width of Packaging 74mm

1x walimex pro Aptaris Universal LWS Base Plate

General information

Material Aviation aluminium
Product Color Black, Silver
Width 105mm
Length 300mm
Height 35mm
Weight 640g
Compatible with Aptaris Yes


Made in Germany Yes


Girth 323mm
Height of Packaging 9mm
Length of Packaging 381mm
Weight incl. Packaging 720g
Width of Packaging 148mm


Girth 12mm
Height of Packaging 1mm
Length of Packaging 4mm
Weight incl. Packaging 1939g
Width of Packaging 3mm
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