Walimex Universal Optical Snoot Elinchrom

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Лизинг. калькулятор
Первый взнос,
В месяц,
  • suitable for flashes of Elinchrom and Calumet Genesis series
  • optical projection mounting for creating great background effects
  • respectively 4 different colour foils and patterns provide various combinations and therewith special results
  • brings more variety to portraits, full-length portraits and product photography
  • easy focusing through slide control
  • lense diameter approx. 6cm
  • tip: can be used with many other flash systems (e.g. walimex, Aurora/Bowens, Multiblitz, Broncolor, Balcar, Profoto, Hensel Expert/Contra) with additional adapters, which are available from us
  • we recommend using flash heads with at least 400Ws output

The Optical Snoot from walimex offers quite special light effects. In connection with a flash head as light source, it throws, depending on your insertion, different colours and patterns on your background, which creates wonderful light atmospheres and effects.

It contains changeable colour foils in blue, red, yellow and green as well as projection patterns (gobos) in the form of a heart, window, moon and leaf. Therewith you can bring a lot of variety and interesting lightings in your background, e.g. for portraits and full-length portraits. In product photography, the various projection possibilities also result in outstanding priorities and thus in special pictures.

You can focus your patterns very simply through the slide control on the front surface of the device. As to exploit the magic of background lighting with the Optical Snoot completely, you should use flash devices with at least 400Ws output. Because the more powerful the flash is, the more definite and strong the projection will be. A bigger range ensures a bigger projection on the background.

The use of different flash systems or change of your flash system is no problem anymore in future: just change the adapter and you can go on using your Optical Snoot. You can certainly find the suitable adapter in our assortment.

1x walimex Softboxadapter Elinchrom

General information

Material Metal
Product Color Silver


Bayonet Elinchrom
Outer Diameter 152mm


Girth 450mm
Height of Packaging 40mm
Length of Packaging 165mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 210g
Width of Packaging 165mm

1x walimex Projektionsvorsatz mit Universalanschluss

General information

Connection Universal
Coloured Foils Blue, red, yellow, green
Lens Diameter 60mm
Stencil Heart, window, moon, sheet
Width 160mm
Weight 1600g
Length 270mm
Material Metal, glass (lens)
Product Color Black


Girth 1043mm
Height of Packaging 174mm
Length of Packaging 335mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 2029g
Width of Packaging 180mm


Girth 1615mm
Height of Packaging 195mm
Length of Packaging 495mm
Weight incl. Packaging 2239g
Width of Packaging 365mm
Совместимость адаптераElinchrom
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