Walimex Light Former Set Nude/Erotic Photography

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Лизинг. калькулятор
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В месяц,
Elaborate light set for erotic nude and erotic photography, consisting of:
  • Striplights (1x25x150cm, 1x25x180cm)
    • for perfect light edges and impressive accents
    • very direct and precise to use
    • incl. front and rear diffusor as well as convenient carrying bag
    • please also order the suitable softbox adapter
  • Snoot Set
    • with 2 different honeycombs and colour filters in red, green, blue, yellow and transparent
    • creates punctual light and a narrow cone of light
    • especially suitable as highlight for portrait and beauty photography
  • 4in1 Reflector Panel, 100x150cm
    • universal Reflector Set with 4 different covers (white, black, silver, gold) for brilliant light control
    • the reflectors can be easy mounted on the frame through Velcro fasteners
    • easy and flexible in use

The atmosphere and image statement of nude and erotic pictures essentially depends from the right and reasoned light assembly. The two Striplights, which are included in this set, provide wonderful sided light. If they are e.g. placed in the front at the right and left side, they create outstanding highlights in the eyes and points out the round shape of the eye. A Spot fixture as hair light or general effect light provides a three-dimensional picture impression. The Reflector can brighten shadows, if necessary. It can be used outdoors as well. Finally we have all these items united in one set. Nothing stands in the way of tingly picture messages anymore and let every model appear like a star.

You can find the suitable softbox adapter as well as further high-quality accessories our assortment.

1x walimex Abschirmklappen/Waben/Farbfilterset

General information

Diameter 180mm
Coloured Foils Blue, red, yellow, green
Weight 890g
Width 190mm
Material Metal
Product Color Black


Diameter 180mm
Girth 550mm
Height of Packaging 50mm
Length of Packaging 200mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 963g
Width of Packaging 200mm

1x walimex pro 4in1 Reflektorsegel, 100x150cm

General information

Width 1000mm
Height 1500mm
Weight 2250g
Material Aluminium, synthetic fibre
Product Color Black, Silver, White, Golden
Operation Area Indoor, Outdoor
Foldable Yes
Coating Color Golden, White, Silver, Black
form Rectangular
Self Tautening No


Girth 645mm
Height of Packaging 129mm
Length of Packaging 1159mm
Weight incl. Packaging 3069g
Width of Packaging 129mm

1x walimex Spotvorsatz-Set mit Universalanschluss

General information

Connection Universal
Diameter 60mm
Coloured Foils Red, green, blue, yellow. transparent
Honeycomb Application Yes
Weight 140g
Length 200mm
Material Metal
Product Color Black


Diameter 60mm
Girth 1034mm
Height of Packaging 197mm
Length of Packaging 252mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 639g
Width of Packaging 194mm

1x walimex pro Striplight 25x180cm

General information

Product Color Black
Material Nylon, metal
Softbox Type Striplight
Weight 1240g
Width 1800mm
Length 250mm
Depth 400mm


Field of Application Products, Nude Photography
size 25x180cm
Grid/Overlay No
Coating Silver
Interdiffuser Yes


Girth 1528mm
Height of Packaging 70mm
Length of Packaging 970mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 1799g
Width of Packaging 209mm

1x walimex pro Softbox II Striplight 25x150 cm

General information

Product Color Black
Material Nylon, metal
Weight 1140g
Width 1500mm
Length 250mm
Depth 400mm


Field of Application Products, Nude Photography
Grid/Overlay No
Coating Silver
Interdiffuser Yes


Girth 1580mm
Height of Packaging 39mm
Length of Packaging 970mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 2440g
Width of Packaging 266mm


Girth 1235mm
Height of Packaging 235mm
Length of Packaging 1160mm
Weight incl. Packaging 8910g
Width of Packaging 255mm
Вид продуктаLight shaper
Совместимость адаптераWalimex
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