Camrock Cube 30 is a modern camera bag designed for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. It will hold your camera and accessories Necessary dry as a lens, flashgun, filters, batteries, etc.
Camrock Cube 30 is a modern camera bag designed for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. It will hold your camera and accessories Necessary dry as a lens, flashgun, filters, batteries, etc. It is made from high quality materials and its structure is reinforced. It protects from damage and moisture. The set includes an adjustable shoulder strap. Camrock Cube 30 contains one main chamber, two side pockets and an interior pocket for accessories. The main chamber has two movable partitions. SPECIFICATIONS: Producer: Model Camrock Cube 30 The lens is compatible with cameras The Following: NEX-3 NEX-C3 NEX-F3 HX1 H50 H20 H50 H9 H7 H5 H1 Camrock Cube 30 is a modern camera bag designed for digital SLR cameras and mirrorless. It will hold your camera and accessories Necessary dry as a lens, flashgun, filters, batteries, etc. It is made from high quality materials and its structure is reinforced. It protects from damage and moisture. The set includes an adjustable shoulder strap. Cube Camrock 30 contains one main chamber, two side pockets and an interior pocket for accessories. The main chamber has two movable partitions.
SPECIFICATIONS: Producer: Camrock Model Cube 30
The lens is compatible with cameras The Following:
Вид продукта
Сумка для камеры
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