Больше не производится - FUJIFILM instax WIDE 300 INSTANT CAMERA +instax glossy (10pl)

  • Моментальная камера Instax
  • Широкий формат "Instax Wide"
  • Размер фотографии 86 х 108 мм
  • Автоматическая фокусировка
  • В комплекте упаковка бумаги Instax Wide

FUJIFILM instax WIDE 300 INSTANT CAMERA +instax glossy (10pl)

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Instantly capture moments and create memories with the INSTAX Wide 300 Instant Film Camera from Fujifilm. Utilizing large format INSTAX instant film, the INSTAX Wide 300 can create images 2.4 x 3.9" in size on a 3.4 x 4.3" piece of film. It also features a retractable 95mm f/14 lens with a two-range focus zone setting for capturing sharp imagery, as well as a 0.37x optical viewfinder with a target spot for composing images.

Built into the INSTAX Wide 300 is a flash with automatic power settings and a fill flash mode. This complements the auto exposure settings to produce well-lit images. Exposure compensation is available from ±2/3 EV via a lighten-darken control for adjusting the shots based on the situation. Also, there is an LCD screen that displays number of shots remaining, the exposure compensation, and flash mode.

Additional features of the camera include a film pack confirmation window to check and see if film is loaded and a tripod socket for when additional stability is needed. A close-up lens adapter is included for focusing as close as 15.5" from the subject, and the INSTAX Wide 300 runs on 4 AA batteries and comes with a strap.

Film TypeFujifilm INSTAX Wide Instant Color Film
Image SizeFilm Size: 3.39 x 4.25" (86 x 108 mm)
Picture Size: 2.44 x 3.90" (62 x 99 mm)

Вид продуктаФотоаппарат мгновенной печати
Тип камерыInstax Wide

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