World's finest-grain color negative film Extraordinary enlargement capability from a 35mm negative. Ultra-vivid color and optimized sharpness. Distinct edges and fine detail. Incorporates Entertainment Imaging's Kodak VISION Film technology.Micro-Structure Optimized T-GRAIN Emulsions. Kodak EKTAR 100.Featuring ISO 100 speed, high saturation and ultra-vivid color, EKTAR 100 offers the finest, smoothest grain of any color negative film available today. Ideal for scanning, and offers extraordinary enlargement capability from a 35mm negative. A perfect choice for commercial photographers and advanced amateurs.
Вид продукта
Цветная фото пленка
Формат плёнки
120mm широкий формат
ISO чувствительность
Тип плёнки
Цветная негативная
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