Gossen DigiSky Exposure Meter

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      Gossen DigiSky Exposure Meter
      • metering of flash and continuous light with large measuring ranges
      • light metering (flat/spherical 180° adjustable)
      • film exposure meter - adjustments: photometry, filter value ...
      • reflected light measurement 20° 
      • suitable for video, analogue and digital photography
      • microprocessor-controlled
      • simple use with one hand – via ring controller
      • color graphic display – digital display in one tenth, one third, half and full f-stop increments
      • display of ambient light component
      • retractable diffuser: flat/spherical
      • radio flash triggering in a max. of 4 groups
      • Up to 3 user-defined pre-selectable configurations
      • intelligent connecting sockets
      • USB port for updating the device and for battery charging
      • automatic battery control and switch-off
      • shutter speeds: standard values 1/8000s to 60min
      • flash measuring times (sync speeds): 1s to 1/1000s
      • incl. bag, carrying strap, rechargeable battery, charger, CD with software for device adjustment, instruction manual, warranty card
      • software of the device can be updated
      • Top quality made in Germany!

      Your DigiSky is the top of the line GOSSEN product and embodies a real multifunction exposure meter. In it an exposure meter for continuous and flash light are united. In doing so, the clear arrangement of controls and of the graphic display was kept. Functions that are needed beyond the everyday metering, can be switched on individually by the user. 

      State-of-the-art microprocessor technology in the DIGISKY allows decades of Gossen light-measuring experience to be presented in an integrated, compact, lightweight and user friendly product. Due to its precise calibration, the DigiSky measures very accurately. It is convenient and simple to use. The DigiSky is suitable for both analogue and digital photography.

      Measurement capabilitiesincident light measurement (flat or spherical can be selected)
      reflected light measurement 20°
      digital display
      flash light (cord/non-cord/radio)
      display of the flash light as percentage
      CINE meter
      photometry (illuminance/luminance)
      Measuring sensor2 sbc silicon photo diodes, color-corrected
      Shortest measuring distanceapprox. 100cm
      Measuring range ambient light reading (at ISO 100/21°)incident light measurement EV -2.5 to +18.5
      reflected light measurement LW 2.0 to +18.5
      Measuring range flash (at ISO 100/21°)incident light measurement f/1.6 to f/128
      reflected light measurement f/1.6 to f/128
      Repeat accuracy±1 digit (= 0,1 EV/EV)
      Film speedsISO 3/6° to ISO 16000/43° (in 1° DIN)
      Aperturesf/0.5 to f/128
      Measuring value steps1/1, 1/2, 1/3 steps, f-stops and times
      Shutter speeds1/8000s to 30min
      Flash measuring times (sync speeds)1s to 1/1000s
      CINE speedsfrom 2 f/s to 1000 f/s
      CINE sector anglesfrom 45° to 315° in 5° steps
      CINE analog scaledynamic from EV 2 to EV 18 in 0.1EV steps
      Further display valuesilluminance and luminance
      Lx, fc, cd/m², fL
      Other display featuresoverflow, underflow (for measurement and display)
      battery control
      retractable diffuser head setting
      exposure value (EV)
      measured value correction in steps of 1/10
      status of the meter
      Correction valuesLW -5.0 to +5.0
      Illuminance0.5 to 199900 lx; 0.05 to 50000 fc
      Luminance0.2 to 30000 cd/m²; 0.05 to 9000fL
      Display2.2“ color TFT-LCD
      brightness settable from 50 to 100, and OFF
      Standbysettable: off and from 30s to 60s
      Ausschaltensettable: off and from 60s to 240s
      Flash triggeringnon-cord
      cord (sync cable)
      radio (4 groups with 8 channels)
      Elinchrom Skyport and Skyspeed
      Rechargeable Batterydevice-specific rechargeable lithium ion battery
      Dimensionsapprox. 164x66x26mm
      Weight with batteryapprox. 100g
      • 1x Gossen DigiSky Exposure Meter incl. standby bag, carrying strap, rechargeable battery, charger, CD with software for device adjustment
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