Больше не производится - Aputure VS-2 FineHD 7 inch Monitor 1920x1200

Aputure V-Screen FineHD VS-2 is a high-quality mobile display monitor offering LCD display 7 "and a resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels.

Aputure VS-2 FineHD 7 inch Monitor 1920x1200

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VS-2 FineHD Monitor features 2.3 million pixels in its 7” display area
Pixel density of 323 PPI (Pixels Per Inch) blends individual pixels to the point that the naked eye can’t define individual pixels
With a resolution of 1920 x 1200, the VS-2 FineHD Monitor displays sharp images, clear text, and accurate color reproduction
Precise Focus Assist Functions
Features built-in peaking and highlight focus assist functions with red, yellow, blue, and white colors
Color modes make focusing and tracing the focus points in the image quick and easy
Exposure Control
The VS-2 is equipped with the necessary exposure control features including false color, histogram, and zebra to help you monitor, control, and maintain exposure levels regardless of shooting conditions
Capturing true exposure data in your image, even under extremely bright sunny outdoor conditions, is quick, accurate, and reliable
Embedded Audio Monitoring
Built-in audio check level meters in real-time are displayed on the monitor while viewing the image
Audio meters are color-marked green, yellow and red to help identify clipping points and low recording levels
This feature works only when the connected camera has an audio output
Aputure display monitor VS-2 FineHD KIT
Aputure V-Screen FineHD VS-2 is a high-quality mobile display monitor offering LCD display 7 "and a resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels.
Elegant design and compact stand Aputure product from competitors. Extremely lightweight and compact design (360 grams without battery) will mount the monitor on almost all hardware, and the small size of the panel (182 x 138 x 23 mm) make it fit easily in a bag with the equipment.
V- screen has a clear and simple menus, and intuitive interface. Ability to program your own keyboard shortcuts to customize the device to the individual needs of each user.
The functions offered by the Monitor Screen Aputure V-VS-2 FineHD include:
There is also the possibility of charging the battery via an external power supply during operation.
Firmware update fixes compatibility issues with new cameras.
Included with the monitor we find articulated arm equipped with a universal mounting sled * (cold shoe) in camera or camcorder, and ¼ "thread. The arm will quickly fix the display on the camera and set it to the desired position.
The set also features a sun visor for easy operation in cloudless days.
- The V-Screen Monitor VS-2 FineHD
hood - articulated arm with a cold shoe mount a stand and 1/4 "
- cable D-tap
- USB cable - mini USB for firmware upgrade

Aputure display monitor VS-2 FineHD KIT
Aputure V-Screen FineHD VS-2 is a high-quality mobile display monitor offering LCD display 7 "and a resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels.
Elegant design and compact stand Aputure product from competitors. Extremely lightweight and compact design (360 grams without battery) will mount the monitor on almost all hardware, and the small size of the panel (182 x 138 x 23 mm) make it fit easily in a bag with the equipment.
V- screen has a clear and simple menus, and intuitive interface. Ability to program your own keyboard shortcuts to customize the device to the individual needs of each user.
The functions offered by the Monitor Screen Aputure V-VS-2 FineHD include:
There is also the possibility of charging the battery via an external power supply during operation.
Firmware update fixes compatibility issues with new cameras.
Included with the monitor we find articulated arm equipped with a universal mounting sled * (cold shoe) in camera or camcorder, and ¼ "thread. The arm will quickly fix the display on the camera and set it to the desired position.
The set also features a sun visor for easy operation in cloudless days.
- The V-Screen Monitor VS-2 FineHD
hood - articulated arm with a cold shoe mount a stand and 1/4 "
- cable D-tap
- USB cable - mini USB for firmware upgrade

LCD Мониторымониторы
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