4 x (3G/HD/SD)-SDI to HDMI Converters with 1 to 4 MultiViewer, Custom Layouts and 8 Channel Audio Meters
Supports 3G level A and B on inputs and output, allowing conversion between 3G level A and B
Low cost (3G/HD/SD)-SDI 1 to 4 Multi-Viewer or 4 to 1 input multiplexer
Custom Layouts with various standard layouts
16 Character UMD overlay per window with individual enables, custom positioning and size
8 Channel Audio Metering overlay per window with individual enables, custom positioning and size
Horizontal and/or Vertical image flipping per window
Audio ID overlay
Tallies can be applied to either Tally Boxes (Default) or Border
Tally boxes allows for up to 4 Tallies per window
Fast switching between inputs using Full-Screen scaling
Selectable output format in both Full-Screen Multi-Viewer mode
Low latency buffering for each input allowing non-synchronous inputs
Linked (3G/HD/SD)-SDI and HDMI outputs
4 x (3G/HD/SD)-SDI inputs with auto detection (26 Formats supported in total)
Each window is independent of the others, allowing any 3G/HD/SD format of any frame rate to be displayed simultaneously
Variable aspect ratios per window
In Pass-Through mode the selected input is passed through to both the (3G/HD/SD)-SDI and HDMI outputs
The DMON-QUAD is a truly portable converter, that incorporates our easy to use LCD and button control system. This gives you easy access to most of the amazing features without using complicated LED/button control, dip switches or having to carry around a computer to change a simple setting.
This unit also includes:
GPI on RJ-45 connector for Tallies and Remote Switching
RS422/485 on RJ-45 connector for Dynamic UMD and Tallies
USB port for control and firmware updates
Robust Aluminium box
Metal Thread Locking DC Power Socket
Power Supply, HDMI Cable and USB Cable
Вид продукта
Blackmagic Design
Аксессуары для видео камер
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