SLR objektyvai - Walimex pro 8/3,8 Fisheye II Video APS-C Canon EFS - быстрый заказ от производителя

Zivsacs objektīvs īpaši filmēšanas vajadzībām

Walimex pro 8/3,8 Fisheye II Video APS-C Canon EFS

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Лизинг. калькулятор
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Walimex pro 8/3.8 ir zivsacs objektīvs, kas ir īpaši paredzēts filmēšanas vajadzībām ar digitālajām spoguļkamerām. Tas nav saderīgs ar pilna kadra kamerām. Zivsacs objektīvs liec visas taisnās līnijas, kas neatrodas kadra centrā, tādā veidā iegūstot unikālus kadrus ar savdabīgu perspektīvu.


Objektīva raksturīgās īpašības:

  • Saderīgs ar kamerām: Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, 7D, 60D, 600D, 550D, 500D, 1100D
  • Izstrādāts īpaši video filmēšanas vaadzībām
  • Unikāla perspektīva ar lielu asuma dziļumu
  • Plūstoša diafragmas atvēruma regulēšana
  • Mīksta, vienmērīga fokusa regulēšana
  • Augstas kvalitātes optika un mehāniskā uzbūve
  • Daudzslāņu optikais pārklājums lēcām
  • Lietojams manuālās ekspozīcijas režīmā
  • Manuālā fokusēšana
  • Pievienojama blende
  • Minimālais fokusēšanas attālums - 30cm



  • developed specifically for photography and videography
  • unique perspective with large depth of field
  • stepless adjustment of f-stop
  • soft, smooth-running adjustment of focus
  • aperture ring and focus ring with tooth ring for follow focus systems
  • high-grade optical and mechanical quality
  • multi-coated glass lenses
  • sideways display of distance and f-stop scale
  • manual exposure mode and focusing
  • with removable lens hood
  • minimum focus distance: approx. 0.3m
  • suitable for Canon EF- and EF-S-Bajonett (Details see Compatibilities)
  • Please note: When using a full-frame camera, the image section has to be adjusted in post-processing

Developed for videography and photography
This Fisheye by walimex pro was developed for videography and photography. The f-stop can be adjusted steplessly from 3.8 to 22 and the focus is adjusted softly and runs smoothly. That way a tracking of the focus when filming is possible. The aperture ring and the focus ring come with a tooth ring and are therefore optimized for use with follow focus systems. For better readability, the distance and f-stop scale are displayed sideways.

Unique Shots
The Fisheye Lens by walimex pro makes a whole new view of things possible. Due to the unique perspective, your creativity is unlimited. Due to the exceptional depth of focus and the extremely large image angle, all options are open to the adventurous videographer and photographer. The walimex pro Fisheye has a focal length of only 8mm. At a minimum distance of only 30cm, exciting wide-angle pictures can be captured in brilliant sharpness. The fast lens speed of 1:3.8 allows excellent filming, even in less favorable lighting conditions.

New possibilities of image composition for moved and still pictures
With the walimex pro Fisheye videographers and photographers receive various possibilities of image composition, especially with spherical panoramas. Straight lines which are not positioned in the middle of the picture will be shown curved and a barrel distortion is the result. This particular lens type has a particularly short focal length for its image format size, which is why the image is displayed with curved forms. That is how pictures, which are created with the walimex pro Fisheye, receive their typical spherically distorted perspective.

Top-quality workmanship
The lens is constructed in a high-quality manner. The metal casing is very robust and impresses with its classy exterior. The glass lenses of the lens are coated and thus ensure a brilliant contrast and sharpness range as well as a well-rounded color balance. The particularly high-quality optics of the lens ensures optimal image results. A lens hood prevents laterally occurring stray light and lens reflections.

Use with full-frame cameras
When using the lens on cameras with a full-frame (35 mm sensor), please note that a partial shadowing (vignetting) will occur. The image section can be expanded by removing the lens hood from the fish-eye, however it cannot be expanded to fill the full frame. The image should be cropped in post-processing to achieve a full image format and to remove the black frame. You can find example images under “Examples of use” in the menu.

General information

Suitable for Sensor APS-C, MFT
Field of Application Lens Architecture, Countryside, Art
Field of Application Art, Architecture, Countryside
Product Color Black
Manufacturer Canon
Camera Model Canon EOS 1D Mark IV, Canon EOS 1D Mark III, Canon EOS 760D, Canon EOS 750D, Canon EOS 7D Mark II, Canon EOS 1200D, Canon EOS 70D, Canon EOS 100D, Canon EOS 650D, Canon EOS 1100D, Canon EOS 600D, Canon EOS 60D, Canon EOS 7D, Canon EOS 500D, Canon EOS 50D, Canon EOS 1000D, Canon EOS 450D, Canon EOS 40D, Canon EOS 400D, Canon EOS 30D, Canon EOS 350D, Canon EOS 700D, Canon EOS 550D, Canon EOS 80D, Canon EOS-1D Mark II N, Canon EOS 1300D
Bayonet EF-S
Special Features Super wide angle
Range of Application Video
Lens Speed 1:3,8
Weight 420g
Length 77,3mm
Developed for APS-C
Type Fisheye


Lens connection Canon EF-S
Minimum Focusing Distance 0,3m
Lenses / Groups 10 / 7
Image Effect on MFT 10mm
Image Effect like Full Frame 12,8mm
Angle of View 167°
Image Effect like MFT 6,4mm
Lens Diameter 75mm
Image Effect on APS-C 8mm
Usage Video
Internal Focusing Yes


Girth 795mm
Height of Packaging 123mm
Length of Packaging 219mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 555g
Width of Packaging 165mm
БайонетCanon EF-S
Lens DesignФикс объективы
Фокусное расстояние, мм8
Тип обьективарыбий глаз
Maximum ApertureT3.8
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