Деревянная хлопушка Caruba Professional Director Clapper White/BW (Chalk) - очень полезный инструмент для кинематографистов и видеографов. Резкий звук, издаваемый хлопушкой, легко распознать в аудиодорожке, а закрытие хлопушки - в видеодорожке. Наложите эти две дорожки, согласовав звук с движением.
На доске отведено место для названия постановки, ролика, сцены, дубля, а также для имени режиссера, места съемки и звука.
- Caruba Professional Director Clapper White/BW (мел)
Caruba Professional Director Clapper White/BW (Chalk)
This wooden Caruba Professional Director Clapper White/BW (Chalk) is a very handy tool for filmmakers and videographers. With this film clapper, synchronising image and sound is a piece of cake.
Moreover, you can use the film clapper to mark certain scenes and takes. The sharp clap sound that the clapperboard makes is easily identified in the audio track, and the closing of the clapstick can easily be looked up in the video track. The two tracks can then be precisely synchronised by matching the sound to the movement.,
For synchronising image and sound
Made of wood
Size of 27 x 30 cm
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