Extreme close-up views can be a lot of fun and also be very useful. Getting in close to an object, generally will reveal details the eye tends to ignore. Familiar objects become unusual shapes, textures, and colors reminiscent of modern art or architecture. On a more practical level, macrophotography can be used as a precise record of small dry objects as coins, stamps or jewelery.
Extreme close-up views can be a lot of fun and also be very useful. Getting in close to an object, generally will reveal details the eye tends to ignore. Familiar objects become unusual shapes, textures, and colors reminiscent of modern art or architecture. On a more practical level, macrophotography can be used as a precise record of small dry objects as coins, stamps or jewelery. The Raynox DCR-250 Super Macro Conversion Lens extremaly is easy to use. The lens includes a snap-on universal adapter suitable for 52mm filter size is 67mm. DCR-250 Super Macro lens obtains the maximum macro magnification power when set at the most telephoto position of the zoom lens. The lens is made of high index optical glass elements (all surfaces are fully coated) Which produce rich and razor sharp image. Optical macro converter of the Japanese company Raynox model DCR-250 equipped with a universal Snap-on adapter, which makes it possible to mount it on any lens / adapter (sleeve) with a thread size from 52mm to 67mm is an economical way to meet the photography of small objects or creatures. Raynox DCR-250 macro converter allows you to take high-quality macro photos (the difference from single macro lenses is highlighted when used with lenses with large focal lengths). The converter is equipped with a universal Snap-on adapter, which makes it possible to mount it on any lens / adapter (sleeve) with a thread size from 52mm to 67mm. The converter can be used with both fixed focal length lenses and those with a variable focal length. Using the ZOOM function allows you to change the magnification (the higher the focal length / TELE position, the higher the magnification obtained). The device can be used with compact cameras, SLR cameras and video cameras. The lenses of the converter are made of high-quality optical glass, which give a clear and richly detailed image. All layers are coated. Construction of the converter: 2 groups / 3 elements, made of high quality optical glass Front thread for filters: 49mm Rear thread: 43mm Dimensions/Weight: 53x18mm / 60g
Вид продукта
Makro aksesuāri
Макро аксессуары
makro lēcas
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