Oriģinālais preces apraksts no ražotāja (oriģinālā valodā)
The ECM-M1 is the most versatile shotgun microphone to date. Simply select on the rear wheel one of the 8 different modes to capture clear and high-quality sound from your subject no matter the situation and the noise around. From ultra-directional to stereo or omni-directional the ECM-M1 will adapt to any recording scenario and intelligently pick up the desired sound while actively reducing the surrounding distractions. This high-performance cableless and batteryless shotgun microphone delivers outstanding audio transmission quality without the need to carry any additional accessories for a truly versatile content creation experience.
Audio capture made easy This microphone includes 8 different directional sound capture in 2 channels to provide ease of use in any situation. Whether it is for interviews, solo video content creation or concert recording, simply roll the backwheel to the relevant preset and capture clear voice or sound in any situations.
On top, it records backup sound in 2 additional channels in omnidirection to provide flexibility of editing when you record specific voices in your content creation.
High quality sound and noise cut With a tailored frequency response in all modes and Sony digital audio technology, capture clear and pleasing voice in all situations. Whther it is the air conditioning rumbling in the background or wind noise outside, switch to Noise Cancelling function (NC) and remove any unwanted parasite noise.
The freedom to create With Sony MI shoe technology, this microphone is completely battery-less and cableless. Simply mount it on your Sony compatible camera and taste the freedom or recording without the need of extra accessories. Never miss any recordings again with the ECM-M1
Create on the go The compact and lightweight design makes this shotgun mic easy to carry and use anytime, anywhere.
Mikrofonu aksesuāri
Savienojuma spraudnis
Savienojuma spraudnis
Savienojuma spraudnis
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*Līzingā iegādātām precēm ir iespējams noformēt piegādi, tāpēc visu iegādes procesu vari veikt arī attālināti. **Tāda pati līzinga noformēšanas soļu secība ir arī InCredit Group piedāvātajiem līzingiem. ***Neskaidrību gadījumā sazinieties ar mūsu konsultantiem!
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