Video stabilizatori - FeiyuTech AK2000S Advanced Kit - ātri pasūtīt no ražotāja

  • 4,85 lb lietderīgās slodzes; Arca-Swiss QR plāksne
  • Piestiprināms aizmugurējais rokturis ar aizmugurējo rokturi zem sliedēm
  • Komplektā ietilpst fokusēšanas/izmērošanas ārējā motora komplekts
  • 14 stundu darbības laiks; tiek atbalstīta ātrā uzlāde

The FeiyuTech AK2000S Advanced Kit is a gimbal that is in line with the spirit of the times, created in response to the ongoing mirrorless revolution. The device uses the most modern components and proven solutions known from previous models. Its design is optimized for the size of mirrorless cameras and small SLR cameras. If you are shooting movies with these cameras, the AK2000S is the solution for you. It will make all your shots smooth and cinematic. Gimbal's Advanced Kit version is equipped with the Follow Focus V2 module.

FeiyuTech AK2000S Advanced Kit

Rated 3.9/5 based on 1 customer reviews

42995 ar PVN

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Apskatīt līdzīgus produktus

Apskatīt līdzīgus produktus

Feiyu AK2000S 3asu rokas stabilizatora komplekts ir tāds pats kā standarta komplekts, bet papildus ietver bezass divu objektīvu motoru komplektu. Šie motori ir savienojami ar divām USB pieslēgvietām pie montāžas platformas, lai nodrošinātu ārēju sekojošās fokusēšanas un tālummaiņas kontroli. Atjauninātais AK2000 kardābola AK2000S atbalsta līdz 4,85 kg lielu slodzi un ietver aizmugurējo rokturi, kas piestiprināms pie kardābola, lai to varētu viegli lietot zem slodzes. Rokturis arī palīdz labāk noturēt kardānu visos citos režīmos. Papildus aizmugurējam rokturim vēl viena jauna funkcija ir ātrās uzlādes atbalsts, izmantojot iebūvēto C tipa USB portu. Gimbālā iebūvētā akumulatora darbības laiks ir līdz 14 stundām, un to var pilnībā uzlādēt tikai 1,5 stundās, izmantojot ātro lādētāju, kas tiek pārdots atsevišķi.

AK2000S ir aprīkots ar Arca-Swiss saderīgu ātrās atbrīvošanas plāksnes komplektu, kas ļaus efektīvi pārvietot kameru starp kardānu un citiem rīkiem ar Arca-Swiss atbalstu. Gimbals ir arī aprīkots ar skārienekrānu, kas ļauj iestatīt parametrus un veikt citas izvēles. Izmantojot šo skārienekrānu un izvēlieties iebūvētās vadības pogas, ar vienu nospiešanu var piekļūt noteiktiem režīmiem un funkcijām. To vidū ir sākuma režīms, portreta orientācija, ilgstošas ekspozīcijas time-lapse uzņemšana un citas.

Atsevišķas kameras var sinhronizēt ar kardānu, izmantojot pievienoto lietotni Feiyu ON, izmantojot iebūvēto Wi-Fi, lai no lietotnes varētu kontrolēt dažādas funkcijas. Atsevišķas kameras var arī savienot ar kardānu, izmantojot komplektā iekļautos kabeļus, lai tās varētu vadīt tieši no kardāna pogām. Var kontrolēt tādas funkcijas kā slēdža atbrīvošana un pārslēgšanās starp foto un video režīmiem. Pilnu kameru saderības sarakstu abiem vadības veidiem skatiet Feiyu vietnē.

Vēl viena AK2000S funkcija ir iespēja uzlādēt izvēlētās Sony kameras no kardāna, izmantojot vienu no komplektā iekļautajiem uzlādes kabeļiem. AK2000S ir pilnībā izgatavots no alumīnija ar maigu rokturi, kas pārklāts ar rožkoka materiālu.

Galvenās funkcijas

  • Uzlabotais komplekts papildus ietver dubulto bezsuku objektīva motoru komplektu ārējai fokusa un tālummaiņas kontrolei.
  • 4,85 lb lietderīgā slodze
  • Piestiprināms aizmugurējais rokturis apakšējā režīmā
  • Līdz 14 stundu darbības laiks
  • Atbalsta ātru uzlādi tikai 1,5 stundās
  • Arca-Swiss saderīga ātrās noņemšanas plate
  • Skārienjūtīgais displejs
  • Pārslēdzams starp ainavas un portreta režīmiem
  • Izvēlieties kameras vadību, izmantojot papildu iOS/Android lietotni
  • Kameras vadība, izmantojot iebūvētās pogas, izmantojot savienojumu, izmantojot komplektā iekļautos vadības kabeļus
  • Pielāgojama sprūda poga, sekošanas ātrums, motora jauda u. c.
  • Sākuma režīms
  • Ilgstošas ekspozīcijas time-lapse uzņemšana
  • Trīs asu motora bloķēšana vieglākai balansēšanai un uzglabāšanai
  • Papildu tālvadības pults, bezvadu mikrofona komplekts un citi atbalstītie piederumi
Technical precision The AK2000S model uses the most advanced manufacturer's solutions. Three 16.8 volt brushless motors provide the necessary power and a lifting capacity of 2.2 kg. The advanced W6 algorithm guarantees Swiss precision with a margin of error below 0.05°. The modern 200 MHz Cortex M4 processor controls the entire process, making 20,000 calculations per second. Faster processor also means greater responsiveness of the device. Now only 2 seconds from switching on is enough for the gimbal to be ready for operation. A large battery built into the handle provides energy up to 14 hours of stability. Practical design The well-thought-out construction and materials used allowed to keep the small dimensions of the device. The folded gimbal is not bigger than a sheet of A4 paper, thanks to which it will fit into practically every bag or backpack. Lightweight aluminum alloys allowed to reduce the weight to only 1.2 kg, which translates into greater comfort during work and transport. Minimalist design and black anodized elements give the gimbal a professional, unobtrusive look. The whole is completed by an elegant handle finished with polished rosewood inserts. Ergonomics of work The lightweight construction of the AK2000S can be extended with additional accessories as required. Four 1/4" tripod mountings allow the installation of an additional camera, lamp or monitor bracket. They can also be used to mount a cross mount included in the kit. This design allows you to work more conveniently when shooting a movie from a lower perspective. 1/4" and 3/8" mountings placed at the base of the gimbal allow to mount any tripod, monopod or plate. Axle lock and new mounting system To further simplify the daily use of gimbal and travelling, all axles are equipped with special traffic locks. They allow you to find the centre of gravity of the mounted camera in a flash and secure the device during transport. The new mounting platform enables quick installation of tiles in the popular Arca-Swiss standard, thanks to which the camera can be easily moved from gimbal to a tripod or monopod. Modes and functions The Gimbal FeiyuTech AK2000S offers five different stabilization modes that allow you to adjust the performance characteristics to your current needs. - Panning mode - in this mode, the camera follows the panning motion of the bracket smoothly while maintaining a constant position in relation to the horizon line. - Lock mode - the camera lens keeps a constant direction - panning on all axes is locked in a preset position. - Tracking mode - in this mode, the camera follows the pan/tilt movement of the mount and up/down direction smoothly. - Multi-axis tracking mode - in this mode, the camera lens follows the movement of the gimbal bracket smoothly in all three axes. - Quick Reaction Mode - the camera follows the movement of the mount's pan while maintaining a constant position relative to the horizon. In addition to the modes, the device gives us numerous functions such as: - Manual position setting - grab the camera to quickly set it in the desired direction. - Autopanorama - set the camera movement between two points to create breathtaking timelaps. - 360° Pan - let the camera rotate around the axis of the lens and capture familiar cinematic effects from Christopher Nolan's Inception. - Selfie - point the lens in your direction to record a vlogue or make a memorable selfie. - Vertical and Horizontal Arrangement - change camera orientation to create portrait or classic films. Simple and precise operation Controlling the device is extremely simple and intuitive. Switching between operating modes and functions is done with dedicated buttons. Their ergonomic arrangement on the gimbal's handle under the index finger and thumb ensures quick access at any time. The four-way joystick and the multifunctional knob provide precise control over movements. The latter can also control the focus or zoom of the connected camera or follow focus movements. The combination of gimbal with the camera also allows you to control the shutter release and start/ stop movie recording from the stabilizer buttons. Convenient navigation through operating modes, numerous functions and settings is ensured by a clear, tactile display located just above the joystick. The display not only informs about the operating mode, battery charge status or connected devices, but also provides an alternative method of device control. Feiyu ON, WiFi and Bluetooth For users of smartphones with Android and iOS systems the manufacturer has prepared a special mobile application Feiyu ON. It allows you to remotely control the gimbal via Bluetooth protocol and adjust its parameters. After connecting the smartphone with the camera, using WiFi, we also gain remote control over the camera settings from the stabilizer (the list of compatible cameras is available on the manufacturer's website), which gives much more comfort during the recording of shots. Follow Focus module in Advanced Kit version FeiyuTech Follow Focus V2 is an advanced focus module designed to work with FeiyuTech gimbals from the AK series. It is equipped with silent, brushless motors. The accessory allows you to control the focus plane using the multifunctional knob on the stabilizer handle. Safe transportation The stiffened suitcase included in the set ensures convenient and safe transport of gimbal together with its accessories. It increases the comfort of gimbal's use and allows to maintain ergonomics and work order. Specification model: FeiyuTech AK2000S Advanced Kit weight: 1100 g (without accessories) power supply: built-in battery (up to 14 hours on a single charge) Load capacity: up to 2200 g (when properly balanced) the range of rotation of the axles: Tilt: 230° Roll: 360° Mr.: 360° fixings: 4 1/4" female tripod mountings 1 1/4" female tripod mountings on the transversal mount 1 female tripod mountings 3/8" colour: black Compatibility mirrorless instruments small DSLRs Set contents gimbal AK2000S traverse handle Stand USB cable - USB-C USB cable - micro USB 2.0 USB cable - micro USB 3.0 USB-C cable - multi USB (Sony) USB-C cable - micro Jack (Panasonic) Focus V2 follower module with a set of mounting accessories Hard-case
Produkta veidsKameras stabilizators
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