Moza Aircross S 3-asu stabilizators (MPS01)
The MOZA AirCross S ir spēcīgs un saderīgs stabilizators, sverot tikai 700g un sasniedzot līdz pat 1,8 kg slodzei, ļaujot plašu kameru saderību un padarot 3-in-1 labāku, stiprāku un pilnīgāk funkciju. 1,8 kg maksimālā slodze ļauj darbināt vairākas kameras vienlaicīgi uz viena gimbal, nodrošinot stabilu un plūstošu kameru kustību, kā vienmēr.
- Neapšaubāmi jauns dizains
- Lieliska saderība
- Dubultās kameras režīms
- 10 stundu darbības laiks
- 1,8 kg slodze reālai 3-in-1 funkcijai
- Paliek vertikālajā režīmā
- Ātra pāreja ar Arca Swiss ātrgriešanās mehānismu
- Pielāgojama soma
Dubultās Kameras Režīms
Ar universālo dubultslāņa 1/4 adapteri (pārdod atsevišķi), divu kameru ierīču novietošana ir tik vienkārša kā ātri. Garfokusa režīms izciliem portreta attēliem, kamēr plašā fokusa režīms paplašina plašu ainavu. Nezaudējiet nekādas detaļas!
Palieciet Vertikālajā Režīmā
AirCross S pacel vertikālo filmēšanas pieredzi uz jaunu individualitātes līmeni. Tāpat kā iepriekšējās AirCross sērijas, nav nepieciešami paplašinājumi vai aksesuāri, pateicoties dubultslāņa ātrgriešanās plāksnes dizainam.
Piegādes Saturs
- Aircross S stabilizators
- L-formas stiprinājums
- Arca-Swiss ātrgriešanās mehānisms
- Tripods
- Telefona saspraude
- 1/4 skrūve
- Kameras vadības kabelis
- Lietošanas pamācība
- Somas ieliktņi
- Ratiņi
One for all, all in one, infinite creativity
The Moza Aircross S 3 in 1 Gimbal is an all rounder compatible with multiple cameras of different sizes, such as mirrorless cameras, action cameras and mobile phones. Offering an incredibly versatile shooting experience than ever before, the Aircross S is ready to use with all your camera devices! The Aircross S easily switches between multiple devices to meet the needs of your multi task shooting scenes.
All in one gimbal
Easily switch between multiple devices
Advanced shooting modes
More carrying capacity & portable design
Weighing just 700 grams, it achieves a load capacity of 1.8 kg, making a wide range of cameras compatible and making the 3 In 1 better, stronger and fuller. It has a simple, portable, high quality design that is light and easy to carry. No doubt the perfect companion on a photo walk. From handle to thumb, the Aircross S is designed for an uncompromising fit on your hand. This is your Joy Con, the all new control system for easy operation is absolutely unique ever.
Shoot in a way that only you can!
The universal dual layer 1/4 adapter makes fitting two camera devices both easy and quick. Long focus for stunning portrait mode while wide focus widens the image to capture a sweeping landscape. Never miss details again!
Stay in vertical mode
The Aircross S takes the vertical shooting experience to a new level of individuality. As with the previous Aircross series, no extensions or accessories are needed thanks to the double layer quick release plate design. Time to let your shorts go viral!
Advanced shooting modes
Using the controls on the Aircross S or the Moza Master app, you can choose from time lapse, dolly zoom and inception modes. Time lapse lets you capture environments over a set period of time. Dolly zoom creates dynamic zoom movements. Inception mode rotates the recording device as you record to create spiral movement.
Not just a bag
The bag is compatible with the MOLLE universal camera bag system to attach your bag together and take care of all your gear. Customise the separate storage space to keep your devices from bumping. Just enjoy DIY!,
Handle design: Single handle
Carrying capacity: 1.8 kg
Number of axes: 3: pitch (tilt), roll, yaw (pan)
Compatible with mobile apps: Android & iOS,
App name: MOZA Master
Mounting: 1 x 1/4 20 female
Weight: 750 g