PolarPro 67 mm QuartzLine UV filtrs ir vispārējās lietošanas caurspīdīgs filtrs, kas paredzēts ultravioletās gaismas absorbēšanai un dienas gaismas zilgana nokrāsas samazināšanai. Papildus nevēlamas zilas nokrāsas samazināšanai netiek radīta papildu krāsainība vai kontrasts, un, izmantojot šo filtru, nav jāveic ekspozīcijas korekcijas.
Šis filtrs ir izgatavots no kvarca stikla, kas nodrošina lielāku izturību. Lai novērstu iekšējo spoku un atspīdumu veidošanos, astoņi pretatspīduma pārklājuma slāņi nodrošina filtra virsmas aizsardzību pret skrāpējumiem, vienlaikus veicinot skaidrību un krāsu precizitāti. Ar PolarPro 67 mm QuartzLine UV filtru saistītie pārklājumi nodrošina arī labāku pūslīšu efektu saskarē ar ūdeni vai eļļu, kas ļauj efektīvāk tīrīt.
Kvarca stikls ir ievietots misiņa filtra gredzenā ar sānu izciļņiem. Misiņa materiāls un uzgaļi kopā novērš aizķeršanos un nodrošina papildu izturību, kā arī teksturētu satvērienu, montējot vai noņemot šo filtru no objektīva.
The QuartzLine FX BlueMorphic streak filter adds professional anamorphic-style blue flares to your scene without the need for stylized cinema lenses. Streak filters mimic the anamorphic streak flare effect, causing streaks on bright light sources or reflections in the scene.
Add professional anamorphic-style bluemorphic pillars to your scene without the need for stylized cinema lenses. PolarPro's Bluemorphic filter creates blue streaks on bright light sources or reflections in your scene. Be creative and create shots with unique character. The swivel design will allow you to instantly adjust the angle of the smudge in your scene.
Get cinematic, stylized blue flares without the need for expensive anamorphic lenses and enjoy unique shots. 16 layers of coatings protect against scratches, oil or water so you can use your filter in even the harshest conditions without worrying about damage.
You don't have to worry about damaging your filter. It is equipped with a secure housing made of durable materials that not only protects against shocks and drops but is also waterproof. You can protect your filter either on the lens or directly in the Defender360.
PolarPro places a high priority on protecting the environment. Through a partnership with 3Degrees, carbon monoxide emissions have been completely offset. The size of each package has been reduced by almost 75% by using 100% recycled cardboard boxes.
Glass type | CinemaSeries |
Diameter size | 80.5mm |
Frame material | Brass |
Filter thickness | 7.5mm |
Filter weight | 38.8g |
Lens size | 77mm |
PolarPro UV Filter | QuartzLine 67mm A quality UV filter can also act as a weather seal, protecting the optical coatings on the front element from dust, extreme heat, or rain, as well as preventing the lens itself from fogging. If you’re using an expensive lens, it’s smart to use a UV filter in settings like the desert where sand, dust, and other debris can cause damage to the front lens element.
Filtr UV PolarPro Quartz Line do obiektywów 67mm |
Filtra tips | UV (ultravioleto staru) |
Filtra izmērs | 67mm |