Uzņemiet labākos kadrus ar Godox QT600IIIM (Bowens)
Godox QT600IIIM (Bowens) ir iespaidīgs Quicker sērijas uzlabojums, kas piedāvā labāku veiktspēju gaismas modelēšanas, HSS un citas galvenās funkcijas. Šajā komplektā ietilpst divi QT600IIM, divi statīvi, Softbox, zibspuldzes lietussargs, tālvadības pults un atbilstošas somas.
- Pilns komplekts
- Krāsu precizitāte
- Ātrs pārstrādes laiks 0,01-0,9 s
- Enerģiju taupoša 40 W LED modelēšanas lampa
Izmanto mirkli
QTIII sērijas kamerām ir ātrs 0,01-0,9 s pārstrādes laiks, kas ļauj uzņemt 20 attēlus sekundē. Tā sinhronizējas ar shutter ātrumu līdz 1/8000 s, nodrošinot krāsu precizitāti un ietaupot laiku pēcapstrādei. Enerģiju taupošā 40 W LED modelēšanas lampa ir videi draudzīga un regulējama no 0-100.
Godox 260T gaismas statīvs
GODOX 260T ir izturīgs statīvs, kas fotosesijas laikā ir nepieciešams ikvienam fotogrāfam, nodrošinot uzticamu atbalstu jūsu zibspuldzei.
Godox softboksa Bowens stiprinājums
Softbokss, kas vienmērīgi izkliedē zibspuldzes gaismu, ideāli piemērots objektu iemūžināšanai bez asām ēnām, īpaši portretu uzņemšanai.
Godox 101 cm zibspuldzes lietussargs balts/ melns
Šis caurspīdīgais lietussargs mīkstina un paplašina studijas zibspuldzes gaismu, piedāvājot daudzveidīgas ekspozīcijas iespējas un vienkāršu transport,
Godox Power Remote XT 16 2.4G
Tālvadības pults ar 100 metru diapazonu, kas ļauj kontrolēt zibspuldzes intensitāti un zibspuldžu grupas.
Godox CB 06 & CB 03 pārnēsāšanas somas
Augstas kvalitātes somas ar rokturiem ērtākai transport. ideāli piemērotas zibspuldzes vai video komplektu aizsardzībai, ar noņemamiem paneļiem un sadalītājiem.
Capture the best shots
The Godox QT600IIIM (Bowens) is a breathtaking evolution of the Quicker series. With all round upgrades, better performance in modelling light, HSS and other key features, it fully plays up photographers creative capabilities and adds more efficiency in quicker production.
This complete set includes two QT600IIM, two tripods, a Softbox, a flash umbrella, remote control and store in the matching carrying bags.
A complete set
Colour accurate
Fast recycle time of 0.01 0.9s
Energy saving 40W LED modelling lamp
Seize the moment
With a fast recycle time of 0.01 0.9s, the QTIII series can shoot 20 images per second, meaning you have lots of images to choose from and more opportunities to pick out your ideal images. In multi flash mode, you can capture amazing images of movement. Sync with shutter speeds of up to 1/8000s, allowing you to produce with larger apertures and even realise other creative ideas. Meet your high demands for colour accuracy and save time and energy in post processing. QT600IIIM has an energy saving 40W LED modelling lamp, adjustable from 0 100%, which is eco friendly and has a longer lifespan.
Godox 260T Light Stand
The GODOX 260T is a perfect tripod as a support during a photo shoot, whether on location or in the studio. No photographer can do without it! Your flash is always safe on this sturdy tripod.
Godox Softbox Bowens Mount
A softbox spreads the flash light in a nice, even way. This way, all kinds of subjects can be captured without a harsh cast shadow. Handy for portraits!
Godox 101 cm Flash umbrella White/Black
This translucent umbrella from Godox softens and broadens the light from your studio flash. The umbrella is easy to use and store for transport. This translucent umbrella provides you with almost unlimited exposure possibilities.
Godox Power Remote XT 16 2.4G
The Godox XT 16 Power Remote lets you trigger the flash head over a distance of about 100 metres in the free field. You have access to 16 selectable flash groups, from A to F and from 0 to 9 via the dial. The channel dial on the transmitter lets you set the flash intensity of each group individually.
Godox CB 06 Carrying Bag
The Godox CB 06 Carrying Bag is made of high quality materials. The bag has a handle for easy transport. The bag is great for protecting various flash or video sets. The CB 06 also has removable panels and dividers.
Godox CB 03 Carrying Bag
The Godox CB 03 carry bag is made of high quality materials. The bag has a handle for easy transport. The bag is perfect for protecting a light tripod due to its sturdy lining. The CB 03 also has removable panels and dividers.,
2 x Godox QT600IIIM (Bowens)
2 x Godox 260T Light Stand
1 x Godox Softbox Bowens Mount 80x120cm
1 x Godox 101cm Flash Umbrella White/Black
1 x Godox Power Remote XT 16 2.4G
1 x Godox CB 06 Carrying Bag
1 x Godox CB 03 Carrying Bag