Godox QT1200II M (Bowens)
Godox Studio Flash QT1200II ir pirmās paaudzes QT1200 tālākā attīstība, un tā ir aprīkota ar modernām tehnoloģijām un funkciju pārpilnību, tostarp iebūvētu bezvadu Godox 2.4G X sistēmu. QT1200II atbilst to fotogrāfu vajadzībām, kuri meklē ātrdarbīgu zibspuldzes galvu ar bezvadu vadību. Zibspuldzes galvu var ne tikai iedarbināt attālināti, bet arī attālināti regulēt zibspuldzes jaudu. Citas noderīgas funkcijas ir ātrgaitas sinhronizācija līdz 1/8000s, multi zibspuldze, zibspuldzes aizkave, maskas funkcija, S1/S2 optiskā iedarbināšana un C.Fn lietotāja iestatījumi.
Godox QT1200II ar ātrgaitas sinhronizāciju līdz 1/8000s
Godox QT1200II ir ātrdarbīga studijas zibspuldzes galviņa ar īpaši ātru uzlādes laiku 0,05-0,9 sekundes un īpaši īsu zibspuldzes ilgumu, kas ir regulējams no 1/256 līdz 1/25640 sekundes (t0,1), un tā var uzspīdināt vairāk nekā desmit secīgas zibspuldzes sekundē . Nepalaidīsiet garām nevienu mirkli. Ar iebūvēto Godox 2.4G X sistēmu varat vadīt citas zibspuldzes, piemēram, Godox TT685, V860II, AD600, AD360 kā pakārtoto zibspuldzi. Turklāt QT1200II var iedarbināt ar Godox X1T sprūdu.
Vienkārša un ērta darbība
Godox QT1200II lietošana ir ļoti vienkārša, izmantojot spiedpogas un viegli salasāmu LCD ekrānu zibspuldzes aizmugurējā daļā. Zibspuldzes jauda ir regulējama no 1/1 līdz 1/128 divdesmit soļos. Modelēšanas lampas jauda ir 150 W, un tās spilgtumu var regulēt no 5 līdz 100 %.
PIEZĪME: turpmāk tā tiks piegādāta bez atstarotāja.
- Sinhronizācijas kabelis
- Aizsargvāciņš
- Stikla aizsargvāciņš
- 150 vatu modelēšanas lampa
- Barošanas vads
- Rokasgrāmata angļu valodas
Godox QT1200II M (Bowens)
The Godox Studio Flash QT1200II is a further development of the first generation QT1200 and is equipped with advanced techniques and an abundance of functions including a built in wireless Godox 2.4G X system. The QT1200II meets the needs of photographers looking for a high speed flash head with wireless control. The flash head can not only be triggered remotely, but the flash power can also be adjusted remotely. Other useful features include High Speed Sync up to 1 / 8000s, multi flash, flash delay, mask function, S1 / S2 optical triggering and C.Fn user setting.
Godox QT1200II with High Speed Sync up to 1 / 8000s
For a high speed studio flash head, the Godox QT1200II has an extremely fast charging time of 0.05 0.9 seconds and an ultra short flash duration that is adjustable from 1/256 to 1/25640 second (t0.1) and can flash more than ten consecutive flashes per second . You will not miss a single moment. With the built in Godox 2.4G X system, you can control other flash such as the Godox TT685, V860II, AD600, AD360 as a slave flash. In addition, the QT1200II can be triggered with the Godox X1T trigger.
Simple and convenient operation
The operation of the Godox QT1200II is very simple by means of the push buttons and the easy to read LCD screen on the back of the flash head. The flash power is adjustable from 1/1 to 1/128 in twenty steps. The modeling lamp has a power of 150 Watt and its brightness can be adjusted from 5 to 100%.
NOTE: from now on it will be delivered without reflector.
Available here
Flash power of 1200Ws
Guide number of 102
Flash head settings M, Multi and HSS (High Speed Sync)
Recycling time of approximately 0.05 0.9s
Sync settings High Speed Sync up to 1 / 8000s, first curtain sync, second curtain sync
Flash delay adjustable from 0.01 to 30 seconds
150 Watt setting lamp
Built in wireless Godox 2.4G X system
Wireless range approximately 50 meters
Multi flash capability
Up to 16 slave units can be controlled
Mask function
Built in buzzer and fan
Dimensions of 14 x 26 x 50 centimeters
Weighs 4.26 kilograms
Warranty standard: 2 years
Warranty battery: 3 months
Warranty flash tube: None
Sync cable
Protective cover
Glass protective cover
150 Watt modelling lamp
Power cord
English manual