Godox Witstro AD600BM Bowens stiprinājums
Godox Witstro AD600BM ir jaudīga un portatīva zibspuldzes galva ar noņemamu 8700 mAh akumulatoru. Zibspuldze ir aprīkota ar Godox 2,4 GHz radio sistēmu. Šī zibspuldze piedāvā daudzas radošas iespējas objekta izgaismošanai, jo tā nav obligāti jānovieto uz lampas statīva, bet to var arī vienkārši turēt rokās. Pat grūti pieejamās vietās un situācijās ar strauji mainīgiem apgaismojuma apstākļiem zibspuldze var labi darboties, jo jūs neesat atkarīgs no pagarinātājiem un ligzdām. Tāpēc Godox Witstro AD600BM ir ideāli piemērota fotogrāfiem, kuri bieži strādā uz vietas, piemēram, fotožurnālistiem un kāzu fotogrāfiem.
Viegli lietojama
Visus iestatījumus ir viegli mainīt, pateicoties pārskatāmām vadības pogām, skrejriteņam un pārskatāmam un viegli salasāmam LCD displejam sānos. Lai nodrošinātu optimālu darbību, AD600BM ir aprīkota ar ventilatoru, kas nodrošina, ka zibspuldze saglabājas vēsa pat tad, ja tiek izmantots daudz zibspuldžu. Ar vienu akumulatora uzlādi var uzspridzināt līdz 500 reizēm. Zibspuldzes jauda ir regulējama no 1/256 līdz pilnai jaudai. Zibspuldzes galvu var izmantot arī ātrās sinhronizācijas zibspuldzēm ar ātrumu līdz 1/8000s. Witstro AD600BM ir 32 kanāli un trīs A, B un C grupas, un tā atbalsta FEC / FEC un FEL. Bezvadu X sistēma ir saderīga ar papildu Godox FTR-16 sprūda sistēmu, un tās darbības rādiuss ir aptuveni simts metri, ja kā raidītāju izmanto papildu Godox X1.
,Godox Witstro AD600BM Bowens Mount
The Godox Witstro AD600BM is a powerful and portable flash head with a detachable 8700mAh battery. The flash is equipped with a Godox 2.4GHz radio system. The flash offers you many creative possibilities for lighting your subject because you do not necessarily have to place it on a lamp tripod, but you can also simply hold it in your hand. Even in hard to reach places and in situations with rapidly changing lighting conditions, the flash can work well because you are not dependent on extension cables and sockets. The Godox Witstro AD600BM is therefore ideal for photographers who often work on location such as photojournalists and wedding photographers.
Easy to operate
All settings are easy to change thanks to the clear control buttons, the jog wheel and the clear and easy to read LCD display on the side. For optimal performance, the AD600BM is equipped with a fan that ensures that the flash stays cool even with many flashes. You can fire up to 500 times on one battery charge. The power of the flash is adjustable from 1/256 to full power. The flash head can also be used for High Speed Sync flashes with a speed of up to 1 / 8000s. The Witstro AD600BM has 32 channels and three groups A, B and C and supports FEC / FEC and FEL. The wireless X system is compatible with the optional Godox FTR 16 trigger system and has a range of approximately one hundred meters when using the optional Godox X1 as a transmitter. ,
Bowens mount (NOTE! The Godox Standard Reflector Bowens mount is not included as standard!)
Flash power of 600W / s
LED modeling lamp of 10 Watt
Up to 500 flashes at full power on one battery charge
Recycling time of 0.01 2.5 seconds
Flash functions M and Multi
High Speed Sync up to 1 / 8000s
Godox X 2.4GHz wireless system
Three groups A, B and C
32 channels
Warranty standard: 2 years
Battery warranty: 3 months
Flashtube Warranty: None