Godox Studio Flitskop Smart 250SDI
Godox Smart Studio Flash sērijas zibspuldzes ir aprīkotas ar signāla funkciju. Atšķirībā no pretbloķēšanas sistēmas šī sērija var kontrolēt kameru, kas aprīkota ar 1 zibspuldzi, un tā-priekšbloķēšanas sistēmu, lai vienlaicīgi iedarbinātu otru zibspuldzi. Modeļa zibspuldzi var iestatīt no "pilnās jaudas" līdz 1/8, un tā darbojas tāpat kā lielākās studijas zibspuldzes.
- 75 vatu iestatīšanas lampa
- Barošanas kabelis (5 m)
- Rokasgrāmata
The Smart Studio Flash series from Godox is equipped with a buzz function. Unlike the anti preflash system, this series can control the camera equipped with 1 flash and a it preflash system to fire the second flash at the same time. The model lamp can be set from full power to 1/8 and works the same as in the larger studio flash units.
Flash Output: 25W / s
Guide number (ISO 100 / ft): 48
Color temperature: 5400 ( 100K)
Working voltage: AC 220V, 60Hz
Flash power control: stepless
Modeling Lamp: 75W / s (adjustable)
Recycle Time: 0.5 2s
Flash Triggering Mode: Sync cable, slave, Test button
Triggering Voltage: 5V DC
Flash Duration: 1/2000 1 / 800s
Fuse: 5A
Sync distance: 11 meters
Durable aluminum housing
Powerful yet compact
Equipped with buzz function
One Fire Anti preflash system
Warranty standard: 2 years
Battery warranty: 3 months
Flashtube Warranty: None
75 Watt setting lamp
Power supply cable (5m)