Statīva galva video filmēšanai
Video filmēšanai paredzētajai galvai ir platāka platforma, lai atbalstītu HDSLR kameras un balansētu garākus objektīvus. Speciālā šķidruma sistēma ļauj iegūt vienmērīgu kustību.
Tehniskie parametri:
Maksimālā noslodze | 7kg |
Svars | 1,6kg |
Augstums | 13cm |
The Manfrotto 502 Fluid Video Head with flat base features variable fluid drag system for pan and tilt movements that's cleverly incorporated into the design.
It's ideal for the latest camcorder and HDSLR cameras supplied with external accessories. It has a maximum capacity of 7kg and features a Ø75mm half ball connection to ensure compatibility with most equipment today.
This video head also has a fixed counterbalance system of 4 Kg Last but not least, 3/8'' Easy Link attachment points allow an external monitor or other accessory equipment to be fitted.
Produkta veids | Statīvu aksesuāri |
Galvas tips | video |