Skrūve ar D-veida gredzenu ir rezerves rezerves skrūve ar 1/4" vītni un D veida gredzenu. Skrūves platums bez D-veida gredzena ir 14 mm, bet ar D-veida gredzenu - 17 mm. Skrūves kopējais garums ir 16 mm. Šādu skrūvi bieži izmanto, lai piestiprinātu ātrās atbrīvošanas plāksni pie kameras.
1 x Caruba 3/8" Skrūve ar D-veida gredzenu - metāla.
The Caruba 3/8 Screw with D Ring is a spare replacement screw with a 1/4 thread and a D ring. The screw has a width of 14mm without the D ring and a width of 17mm with the D ring. The total length of the screw is 16mm. A screw such as this one are often used to attach a quick release plate to your camera.,
3 year warranty ,
1 x Caruba 3/8 Screw with D Ring Metal
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