Alana Super Kit
3 Legged Thing Legends Alana 2.0 Monopod Kit ir izgatavots no 8 slāņiem no 100% tīra oglekļa šķiedras, padarot to gan izturīgu, gan vieglu, ar slodzes jaudu līdz 60 kg. Tam ir liela gumijas rokturis komfortam un gluda magnija sakausējuma montāžas plāksne. Kāju bloķēšanas mehānismi ir aprīkoti ar gumijas O spilventiņiem, lai nodrošinātu ērtu lietošanu jebkuros laika apstākļos.
- Slodzes jauda līdz 60 kg
- Interchangeable kājas ar divkāršiem 1/4 un 3/8 vītnēm
- Iekļauts AirHed Trinity daudzfunkcionāls panorāmas un slīpuma video galva
Ar 5 sekcijām Alana salocās kompakti vieglai transportēšanai. To var izmantot kā monopodu vai kā apgaismojuma/boom roku. Divkāršās vītnes augšpusē ļauj tieši piestiprināt kameru vai pievienot galvu vai skavu.
- Maksimālais augstums ar Docz2 U0026 AirHed 1.72 m
- Maksimālais augstums ar Docz2 1.63 m
- Minimālais augstums ar Docz2 U0026 AirHed 57.8 cm
- Minimālais augstums ar Docz2 50 cm
- Salocīts garums ar Docz2 U0026 AirHed 57.8 cm
- Salocīts garums ar Docz2 49.5 cm
- Docz svars 1.17 kg
- Komplekta svars (Docz2 + AirHed) 1.51 kg
- Materiāls Oglekļa šķiedra
- Kāju sekcijas 5
- Kāju bloķēšanas veids Twist Lock
- 5 gadu garantija
Komplektā ietilpst DOCZ kāju stabilizators un TOOLZ daudzfunkcionāls rīks ar dažādām funkcijām.
Alana Super Kit
Made from 8 layers of 100% pure Carbon fibre, the 3 Legged Thing Legends Alana 2.0 Darkness/Matte Black Monopod Kit w/DOCZ2 Foot Stabiliser & AH Trinity Darkness/Matte Black is both strong and light, yet can carry up to 60 kg of camera gear. Alanas top has a large rubber grip for comfort alongside the smooth, curved magnesium alloy mounting plate. The leg locks feature rubber O pads for comfortable use in all weather conditions.
Load capacity of up to 60 kg
Interchangeable feet thanks to dual 20 and 3/8 16 threads in the base
And as a SuperKit, it includes the AirHed Trinity multifunctional pan and tilt video head.
With 5 sections, Alana folds compactly to fit easily in luggage or camera bags, and with 20 and 3/8 16 threads at both ends, Alana excels as a monopod, and can also be used as a lighting or boom arm. Dual threads with spring at the top give the choice of mounting a camera or lens directly on the 1/4 20 thread, or adding a head or clamp via the 3/8 16 thread.
The Alana comes in a kit with the Docz, a rugged foot stabiliser specifically designed to add stability to monopods, and as a SuperKit with Docz foot stabiliser and AirHed Trinity multifunctional pan and tilt video head.,
Max height w Docz2 w AirHed: 1.72 m
Max height m Docz2 without AirHed: 1.63 m
Minimum height w Docz2 w AirHed: 57.8 cm
Minimum height w Docz2 without AirHed: 50 cm
Folded length m Docz2 m AirHed: 57.8 cm
Folded length m Docz2 without AirHed: 49.5 cm
Maximum load: 10 kg
Weight of equipment (Docz): 1.17 kg
Weight of set (Docz2 + AirHed): 1.51 kg
Material monopod: Carbon fibre
Leg sections: 5
Leg lock type Twist Lock
Leg tube diameters: 32, 29, 26, 23, 20 mm
Foot thread: 1/4 20 & 3/8 16
Rubber foot
Mounting Double threaded 1/4 20 & 3/8 16 (spring mounted)
5 year warranty
3 Legged Thing Legends Alana 2.0 Darkness/Matte Black Monopod Kit
TOOLZ multi tool with coin opener, 4mm hex key, 3mm, 2.5mm hex key, bottle opener, carabiner
DOCZ foot stabiliser for monopods
AirHed Trinity multifunctional tilting video head