Walimex pro Softbox Orange Line 50x70

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Orange Line softboksi nodrošina mīkstu un vienmērīgi izkliedētu gaismu, tā forma ir lieliski piemērota produktu un cilvēku fotografēšanai. Softboksam ir priekšējais izkliedētājs un aizmugurējais, ko var lietot, ja gaismu nepieciešams padarīt vēl mīkstāku. Softboksu ir viegli uzstādīt un to var rotēt 360 grādos. Softbokss ir izgatavots no kvalitatīviem un karstumizturīgiem materiāliem. Komplektā ietilpst pārvadāšanas soma. Ir pieejami adapteri dažādām bajonetēm.

Incl. front and back diffuser as well as transport bag

  • ideal for product and people photography
  • easy setup
  • softbox can be rotated by 360 degrees
  • excellent workmanship
  • high-quality, heat-resistant material
  • incl. front and back diffuser and transport bag
  • tip: also order the matching adapter

The Softboxes out of the Orange Line series from walimex pro particularly impress through their unique, high-grade quality. Extremely thick material and exact workmanship guarantee a long life time even after several assemblies and disassemblies. This premium quality even avoids a deformation at the bigger softbox sizes.
But the light formers are not only convincing regarding their quality, the Orange Line series brings variety also regarding the quantity. Many different sizes provide various applications in use and design. Therewith you can create your creative studio however you want!
Certainly the results of the Softboxes are also convincing: Due to their soft and even illumination without reflections, they are an essential tool in studio. The Softboxes are ideally suitable for product and people photography. A rear diffuser can be used if desired in order to make the light appear even softer. The front diffuser, which is simply put over the Softbox, is a further practical help in controlling your light.

General information

Product Color Black
Material Cotton, PVC synthetic material, PET aluminium
Softbox Type Rectangular Softbox
Weight 1050g
Depth 270mm
Length 500mm
Width 700mm


size 50x70cm
Grid/Overlay No
Coating Silver
Interdiffuser Yes


Girth 697mm
Height of Packaging 79mm
Length of Packaging 500mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 899g
Width of Packaging 230mm
Produkta veidsSoftbokss
Produkta veidsSoftboksa Izkliedētājs
Produkta veidsSoftboksa Aksesuāri
Gaismas veidotājsBeauty Dish
Softboksa tipstaisnstūra
Adaptera saderībaBowens
Adaptera saderībaWalimex

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