Westcott Zeppelin Para 47
Westcott Zeppelin Para 47 ir dziļa paraboliska konstrukcija, no kuras arī cēlies tā nosaukums. Šis softbokss nodrošina skaistu apļveida gaismu, kas ir ideāli piemērota komerciālai, modeļu un modes fotogrāfijai. Gaisma ir vienmērīga un ar maigām ēnām. Konstrukcija ir ļoti kvalitatīva.
Divreiz vairāk
Zeppelin Para 47 standarta komplektācijā ir gan iekšējais, gan ārējais izkliedes panelis. Abi nodrošina spilgtuma samazinājumu par pusstundu, un tos var izmantot atsevišķi vai kombinēti. Westcott Para 47 ir izstrādāts ar divām dažādām montāžas metodēm. Otrais ir softboksa iekšpusē, kur ir papildu atvērums gaismas statīvam. Tas ļauj izmantot netiešu zibspuldzi no Zeppelin Para iekšpuses.
- 1 x Westcott Zeppelin Para 47 (1,2M)
Westcott Zeppelin Para 47
The Westcott Zeppelin Para 47 has a deep parabolic construction from which it got its name. This softbox gives a beautiful circular light that is perfect for commercial, model and fashion photography. The light is even and has soft shadows. The construction is of very high quality.
Twice as much
The Zeppelin Para 47 comes with both an inner and outer diffusion panel as standard. Both provide half a stop reduction in brightness and can be used separately or in combination. Westcotts Para 47 is designed with two different mounting methods. The second is inside the softbox, where there is an additional opening for a light stand. This allows for indirect flashing from the inside of the Zeppelin Para.,
High quality construction
For commercial and model photography
Can be used in two different ways
Inner and outer diffuser included
Sixteen light and heat resistant ribs
Convenient carrying bag included
2 year warranty
1 x Westcott Zeppelin Para 47 (1,2M)