Softboksi - Falcon Eyes Foldable Octabox Spread SPB90 90 cm - perc šodien veikalā un ar piegādi

1x Octabox (with Velcro); 1x Diffusion cloth; 1x Transport bag

Falcon Eyes Foldable Octabox Spread SPB90 90 cm

Rated 5/5 based on 1 customer reviews

18544 ar PVN

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1 vienība , veikalā, F.Sadovņikova iela 39

Falcon Eyes


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Falcon Eyes Foldable Octabox Spread SPB90 90 cm ir augstas kvalitātes octabox ar S-bajonet, kas ir piemērots instruments piem. portretu vai produktu fotografēšana. SPB90, cita starpā, ir saderīgs ar populāro Falcon Eyes mini LED fresnel P-12.

Iekļautā difūzijas drāna nodrošina skaistu, vienmērīgu objekta ekspozīciju, neradot cietu ēnu. Oktaboksa iekšpuse ir aprīkota ar Velcro, uz kuras var viegli uzlikt difūzo audumu, kā arī papildus pieejamo šūnveida šūniņu. Ar pēdējo jūs varat izstarot gaismu vēl vairāk, savukārt izkliedētā drāna mīkstina gaismu. SPB90 izstrādes laikā tika izmantoti augstas kvalitātes materiāli, padarot to ļoti izturīgu un izturīgu. Oktaboks ir salokāms, un to var viegli transportēt komplektā iekļautajā transportēšanas somā. Unikālā klikšķu sistēma nodrošina, ka jūs droši nostiprināt jebkuru metāla ķīpu.

Lietošana Falcon Eyes salokāma Octabox Spread SPB90 90 cm

Lai izmantotu SPB90, pievienojiet to (LED) lampiņai, izmantojot adaptera gredzenu. Difūzijas drānu un pēc izvēles pieejamo šūnveida elementu var viegli piestiprināt pie oktaboka ar Velcro. Var droši un ērti paņemt līdzi visu komplektā iekļautajā transportēšanas somā.

The Falcon Eyes Foldable Octabox Spread SPB90 90 cm is a high quality octabox with S-bajonet, which is a suitable tool for e.g. portrait or product photography. The SPB90 is, among other things, compatible with the popular Falcon Eyes mini LED fresnel P-12.

The included diffusion cloth ensures a beautiful, even exposure of the subject without creating a hard cast shadow. The inside of the octabox is equipped with Velcro, on which the diffuse cloth as well as the optional available honeycomb can easily be placed. With the latter you can beam the light even more, while the diffuse cloth softens the light. During the development of the SPB90, high-quality materials were used, making it very robust and durable. The octabox is foldable and can easily be transported in the supplied transport bag. The unique click system ensures that you securely fasten any metal baleen.

Usage Falcon Eyes Foldable Octabox Spread SPB90 90 cm

To use the SPB90, attach it to the (LED) lamp via the adapter ring. The diffusion cloth and optional available honeycomb can easily be attached to the octabox with Velcro. You can safely and easily take the whole with you in the included transport bag. The adapter ring of this octabox is interchangeable and has a diameter of 128 mm. Currently there are no loose adapter rings available for this octabox. However, it is possible to work with other brands of flash units by using a DBBW-EX adapter (see optional accessories).

Produkta veidsSoftbokss
Gaismas veidotājsBeauty Dish
Softboksa tipsastoņstūru
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Adaptera saderībaPārējiem brendiem

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