Pastāsti savu stāstu ar tīru audio
Feelworld PM1 XS Microphone nodrošina profesionālu podkāstu skaņu ar savu augstas kvalitātes dinamisko dizainu. Tam ir gan XLR, gan USB savienojumi daudzpusīgai lietošanai.
- Profesionāla un dinamiska skaņa
- Plug and Play
- Stipra metāla korpuss
XLR izeja
Analogā XLR izeja savienojas ar audio interfeisiem vai mikseriem. Ņemiet vērā, ka RGB gaisma, klusuma poga, skaļuma kontrole un reāllaika uzraudzība nav pieejama XLR režīmā. XLR kabelis ir opcional.
Plug and Play USB C izeja
Viegli savienojiet ar datoriem vai mobilajām ierīcēm, izmantojot USB C. Iespējas ietver klusuma pogu, skaļuma kontroli un reāllaika uzraudzību. Android ierīcēm tiek izmantots standarta USB/Type C kabelis, savukārt iPhone prasa Lightning uz USB C adapteri.
Reāllaika uzraudzība
Uzraugiet ierakstus caur 3.5mm austiņu ligzdu, lai nodrošinātu optimālu skaņas kvalitāti.
Uzlabota skaņas kvalitāte
Iekļauj noņemamu pretizsmidzināšanas sūkli, lai uzlabotu skaņas uztveri.
- Klusuma poga Viegli izslēdziet mikrofonu USB režīmā.
- Skaļuma kontrole Regulējiet mikrofona vai austiņu skaļumu reāllaikā.
- RGB apgaismojums Iekļauj dinamiskus daudzkrāsu RGB efektus, kas mainās, kad netiek izmantoti.
Tehniskie dati
- Frekvenču diapazons 50 Hz līdz 14 kHz
- Impedance 600 Ohm
- Jutība 54 dB pie 1 kHz
- Signāla un trokšņa attiecība 95 dB
- Analogā izeja 1x XLR 3 pin vīriešu
- USB izeja 1x USB C sieviešu
- Austiņu izeja 1x 3.5 mm
- Kabla garums 2 m
- A/D konversija 24 bit
- Paraugu ņemšanas frekvence 96 kHz
- OS saderība Windows, macOS, Android, iOS
- Barošanas avots USB
Iekļautie piederumi
- 1 Feelworld PM1 XS Microphone
- 1 U formas kronšteins
- 1 2M divu portu USB/Type C kabelis
- 1 Lietotāja rokasgrāmata
- 1 XLR kabelis
- 1 metāla pamatne
Tell your story with pure audio
The Feelworld PM1 XS Microphone ensures professional podcast sound. The high quality broadcast style dynamic microphone features both a conventional XLR connector and a USB port.
Professional and dynamic sound
Plug and Play
Sturdy and durable all metal housing
XLR Output
The microphone has an analog XLR output for connection to an audio interface, mixer or other professional device.
Note: RGB light, mute button, volume control and real time monitoring are not available in XLR mode. You can control the microphone on an audio device. XLR cable is optional.
Plug and Play USB C Output
The USB C output can be easily connected to a computer, smartphone or other mobile device. It is easy to use with the function of mute button, volume control and real time monitoring.
Note: Android phones can be connected with a standard USB/Type C cable; Iphone phones need to purchase an additional Lightning to USB C adapter.
Real time monitoring
Real time monitoring via the 3.5mm headphone jack for full recording and listening, ensuring perfect sound at all times.
Anti spray sponge, enhance sound quality
Equipped with detachable anti spray sponge for effective sound reception, further improving sound quality.
Multiple columns of images
Multiple function button
In USB mode, you can tap the mute button to mute the microphone directly.
Volume button
The volume knob can adjust the volume of the microphone or headphones in real time, so you can enjoy high quality sound.
RGB lighting
The PM1 has various dynamic multi color RGB lighting effects, and the light ring automatically switches to a different lighting effect when not in use.
Sturdy and durable all metal housing
The all metal housing is high quality, more durable and resistant to interference than plastic material.,
Frequency range 50 Hz to 14 kHz
Impedance 600 Ohm
Sensitivity 54 dB at 1 kHz
Signal to noise ratio 95 dB
Analog output 1x XLR 3 pin male (locking, on microphone)
USB/digital output 1x USB C female (on microphone)
Compatible with USB class Yes
Headphone output 1x 1/8/3.5 mm
Cable length: 2 m
A/D conversion 24 bit
Sample rate 96 kHz
OS compatibility Windows, macOS
Compatible with Android and iOS
Power supply: USB
1 Feelworld PM1 XS Microphone
1 U shape Bracket
1 2M Dual Port USB/Type C Cable
1 User Manual
1 XLR Cable
1 Metal Base