JJC 43 mm ND2-ND2000 mainīga neitrāla blīvuma filtrs
JJC F-ND2K sērijas ND2-ND2000 mainīga neitrāla blīvuma filtrs ir īpaši izstrādāts dinamisku ainu, piemēram, ūdenskritumu, straumju, viļņu utt., uzņemšanai. Filtrs ir izgatavots no HD optiskā stikla, un tam ir 9 slāņu. pārklājums uz katras stikla virsmas. Vairāku pārklājumu dēļ filtrs ir pret skrāpējumiem, pret pirkstu nospiedumiem, antistatisku, eļļas un ūdens izturīgu.
Turklāt tas samazina gaismas daudzumu, kas sasniedz plēvi, neietekmējot krāsu, lai sasniegtu vēlamo efektu. Rāmis ir izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes alumīnija sakausējuma, un tā biezums ir aptuveni 9 mm. Neitrālo blīvumu var bezpakāpju regulēt no ND2 uz ND2000, pagriežot rāmja augšējo daļu, kas efektīvi atrisina vairāku ND filtru pārnēsāšanas problēmu.
Turklāt filtram ir delikāts mitruma necaurlaidīgs filtra korpuss (izņemot F-ND2K82 ar PP kastīti), lai aizsargātu filtru un to būtu viegli pārnēsāt. Tas kļūs par labu partneri ainavu fotografēšanai.
The JJC F ND2K series ND2 ND2000 Variable Neutral Density Filter is specially designed for shooting dynamic scenes, such as waterfalls, streams, waves, etc. The filter is constructed from HD optical glass and has 9 layer coating on each surface of the glass. The multiple coatings makes the filter anti scratch, anti fingerprints, anti static, oil and water resistant. Additionally, it reduces the amount of light reaching the film without affecting the color to achieve the desired effect. The frame is made of high quality aluminium alloy and the thickness is about 9mm. The neutral density can be adjusted steplessly from ND2 to ND2000 by rotating the upper part of the frame, which effectively solves the problem of carrying multi ND filters. Besides that, the filter comes with a delicate moistureproof filter case(except F ND2K82 with a PP box) to protect your filter and for easy carrying. It will become a good partner for your landscape photography. ,
Suitable for shooting dynamic scenes, such as waterfalls, streams, waves, etc.
9mm high quality aluminium alloy frame
Adopts HD optical glass
9 layer coating on each surface of the glass
Anti scratch, anti fingerprints, anti static, oil and water resistant
Greater control over exposure settings
Neutral density can be adjusted steplessly from ND2 to ND2000
Reduces the amount of light reaching the film without affecting the color
2 year warranty
1 x Protective case