Uzglabājiet, aizsargājiet un transportējiet savu spoguļkameru vai sistēmas kameru, objektīvu un piederumus Wandrd Veer 18 Photo Bundle. Komplektā ietilpst Wandrd Veer 18L mugursoma un Wandrd piepūšamais kameras kubs. Mugursomas aizmugurējais panelis ir piepūšams. Izlaižot gaisu, somu var salocīt ļoti kompakti.
Lietotājam draudzīgs
Mugursoma ir ūdensnecaurlaidīga, tai ir rāvējslēdzējs, priekšējā kabata un nodalījums dzeramā pudelei. Plecu siksnas ir izgatavotas no elpojoša tīklveida materiāla, kas nodrošina papildu komfortu.
Piepūšamais kameras kubs
Wandrd piepūšamais kameras kubs ir iekļauts šajā komplektā kopā ar Wandrd Spring 18L. Šai ūdensizturīgajai somai ir velcro aizdare. Aizmugurējo paneli var kompakti salocīt, tāpēc somas izmēri ir tikai 15,2 x 7,62 x 7,62 cm. Jūs vienkārši ievietojat Camera Cube mugursomā Veer 18L.
Komplektā ir piederumi
- Wandrd Veer 18
- Wandrd piepūšamais kameras kubs
Store, protect and transport your SLR or system camera, lens and accessories in the Wandrd Veer 18 Photo Bundle. The bundle consists of a Wandrd Veer 18L backpack and a Wandrd Inflatable Camera Cube. The back panel of the backpack is inflatable. When you let the air out here, the bag can be folded very compactly.
User friendly
The backpack is water repellent and has a zipper, a front pocket and a compartment for a drinking bottle. The shoulder straps are made of breathable mesh material for extra comfort.
Inflatable Camera Cube
The Wandrd Inflatable Camera Cube is included in this bundle with the Wandrd Spring 18L. This water resistant bag has a velcro closure. The back panel can be folded compactly, so that the bag only measures 15.2 x 7.62 x 7.62cm. You simply place the Camera Cube in the Veer 18L backpack ,
Wandrd Veer 18
Wandrd Inflatable Camera Cube
Foldable backpack
Inflatable back panel
With side pocket for drinking bottle
Front pocket for accessories
Anti theft buckle
Quick side access
With key clip
Water repellent material
With Inflatable Camera Cube
Lifetime warranty