PGYTECH OneMo Travel Backpack 35L (Olive Green)
Daudzfunkcionālie režīmi
PGYTECH OneMo Travel Backpack 35L ir ideāls ceļojumu ērtībai un aprīkojuma aizsardzībai. Tam ir vairāki režīmi: mugursoma, plecu soma un rokas soma, kas pielāgojas dažādām situācijām.
- Vairāki lietošanas režīmi dažādām situācijām
- Priekšējā paplašināšanas struktūra pievieno 15 litrus
- Ūdensizturīgs audums
- Plaša uzglabāšana ar iekšējām kabatām
- Atvērtas sānu kabatas statīvam un ūdens pudelei
Ergonomisks dizains
Ar platām plecu siksnām un jostas siksnu, OneMo ir ērta mugursomas režīmā. 35L galvenā nodalījuma un plašā priekšējā kabineta nodrošina pietiekami daudz vietas aprīkojumam un nepieciešamajām lietām. Plecu režīmā siksnas var salocīt, un jostas siksnu var pārveidot krustveida lietošanai.
Maksimālā uzglabāšana
Priekšējais nodalījums paplašinās par 15 litriem, ar vidējo nodalījumu atsevišķai uzglabāšanai. Šis dizains ļauj viegli piekļūt lieliem priekšmetiem. Galvenais nodalījums ir aprīkots ar formas siksnu struktūru dažādiem iekšējiem maisiņiem un ātru piekļuvi kamerai.
Pieslēgšanas iespējas
Mugursoma ir aprīkota ar daudziem kabatām, tai ir īpaša akumulatora/ausu austiņu kabata un sānu kabatas statīvam un ūdens pudelei. Tāpat ir vairāki piekāršanas punkti papildu priekšmetu pievienošanai.
Ilgtspējīga un ūdensizturīga
Izgatavota no ūdensizturīgiem materiāliem ar YKK rāvējslēdzējiem, OneMo ietver slēptu Airtag kabatu drošībai un standarta lietus pārklāju āra lietošanai.
- Audums 85% poliesters, 15% poliuretāns
- Odere 100% poliesters
- Ārējie izmēri (pirms paplašināšanas) 540 x 330 x 220 mm
- Ārējie izmēri (pēc paplašināšanas) 540 x 330 x 385 mm
- Iekšējie izmēri 520 x 310 x 210 mm
- Svars 2.6 kg (1.9 kg bez siksnām un lietus pārklāja)
Ietver 1 x PGYTECH OneMo Travel Backpack 35L, 2 x siksnas, 1 x lietus pārklājs.
Versatile modes for all your needs
The PGYTECH OneMo Travel Backpack 35L (Olive Green) is the ideal choice if you are looking for a combination of travel convenience and equipment protection in different environments. It has multiple modes of use, namely backpack mode, shoulder mode and handheld mode, making it easy to handle different usage scenarios.
Multiple usage modes, easy to use in different scenarios
Front expansion structure can be expanded by 15 litres
High quality splash proof fabric
Plenty of storage, many internal pockets to keep everything organised
Open side pockets for tripod and water bottle.
Ergonomic design
The OneMo Travel Backpack has wide shoulder straps and waist belt making it comfortable in backpack mode. The 35 litre main compartment gives you space to store your gear and an extensive front pocket to store everyday essentials. In shoulder mode, the straps and back panel can be hidden and stowed in the hood, and the waist strap can be detached and attached to the front panel to be used as a shoulder strap, making it easy to carry the bag cross body. The backpack features hidden handles in the zip pockets on both sides of the backpack, which can be used as a handbag.
Maximum storage
The front compartment of the OneMo Travel Backpack can be expanded by 15 litres and there is a middle compartment between the front compartment and the main compartment of the backpack for separate storage. The middle compartment can be opened to connect the front and back compartments, making it easy to store large items on the shoulder or in the hand.
The two sides of the main compartment feature a shaped webbing structure, which can be used with different sizes of inner bags. The upper compartment has a flap opening for quick access and can be used as a shoulder bag. A single side pocket, which can be combined with the internal pocket compartment, provides quick access to the camera.
Attachment options
The backpack is equipped with many pockets for storing multiple items.
The OneMo Travel Backpack has a dedicated battery/headphone compartment for power tags, side pockets for tripod and water bottle. The backpack is equipped with many suspension points and standard straps for attaching tripods and other items.
Durable and waterproof
The OneMo Travel Backpack is made of waterproof and durable material and fitted with YKK zips. The hidden Airtag pocket provides security and theft protection. It Has a standard rain cover for outdoor use. ,
Fabric: polyester 85% polyurethane 15%
Lining: 100% polyester fibre
External dimensions Before extension: 540 x 330 x 220 mm
External dimensions After extension: 540 x 330 x 385 mm
Product internal dimensions:520 x 310 x 210 mm
Weight: 2.6 kg
Weight (without strap, strap, rain cover): 1.9 kg
1 x PGYTECH OneMo Travel Backpack 35L (Olive Green)
2 x Strap
1 x Rain cover