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BY-B05 no Boya sastāv no trīs identisku vēja pārsegu komplekta, kas ir būtisks piederums lavaier mikrofoniem. Veicot attēlus ārpus telpām, audio skaņā var būt neliels vēja troksnis. Pārbīdot BY-B05 vējstiklu virs mikrofona kapsulas, šī problēma gandrīz vienmēr tiek atrisināta.
Varat izmantot BY-B05 vējstiklu gandrīz jebkuram savienojumam mikrofonam. Vējjaku ir izstrādājis Boya, taču principā to var izmantot universāli. Mikrofona kapsulas diametrs vienmēr ir piemērots, jo tiek izmantota gumija. BY-B05 vējstikls ir izgatavots tumši pelēkā krāsā, tāpēc to vislabāk izmantot ar tumšu apģērbu. Daži piemērotu Lavalier mikrofonu piemēri:
- BY-DM2
- BY-M1
- BY-WM8
- BY-WM6
- BY-WM5
- BY-WM4
- BY-LM400
- BY-LM300
The BY-B05 from Boya consists of a set of three identical wind covers, which are an essential accessory for lavalier microphones. When making outdoor shots, there may be some wind noise in the audio sound. By sliding a BY-B05 windshield over the microphone capsule, this problem is almost always solved.
You can use the BY-B05 windscreen for almost any tie-pin microphone. The windbreaker has been developed by Boya, but in principle it can be used universally. The diameter of the microphone capsule is always suitable, due to the use of elastic. The BY-B05 windscreen is produced in dark gray and therefore the best to use with dark clothing. The wind cap has an inner diameter of Ø 1.9 - 2.3 cm and is 2 cm deep. So all microphones of this size are suitable. Some examples of lavalier microphones that are suitable:
- BY-DM2
- BY-M1
- BY-WM8
- BY-WM6
- BY-WM5
- BY-WM4
- BY-LM400
- BY-LM300
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