JJC LED-60 Macro LED Ring Light ir aprīkota ar 60 jaudīgām LED diodēm, un tās īpaši izstrādātā gredzena forma padara šo gredzenveida zibspuldzi ļoti piemērotu makro fotogrāfijai. JJC LED-60 ir gaismas avots, kas var pastāvīgi izgaismot jūsu objektu.
Ierīces nodrošina nepārtrauktu apgaismojumu bez kaitinošas mirgošanas un neuzkarst, jo tiek izmantotas zemas temperatūras gaismas diodes. Nepārtrauktā izgaismošana ļauj viegli iestatīt ekspozīcijas laiku. JJC LED-60 nodrošina efektīvāku objekta ekspozīciju makrofotogrāfijas laikā. LED-60 gredzenveida zibspuldze izmanto 4 AA baterijas.
1 x 49 mm adaptera gredzens
1 x 52 mm adaptera gredzens
1 x adaptera gredzens 55 mm
1 x adaptera gredzens 58 mm
1 x adaptera gredzens 62 mm
1 x adaptera gredzens 67 mm
JJC LED 60 Macro LED Ring Light The JJC LED 60 Macro LED Ring Light features 60 powerful LEDs and its specially designed ring shape makes this ring flash very suitable for macro photography. The JJC LED 60 is a light source that can permanently illuminate your subject.
The units offer continuous illumination, without annoying flashing, without getting hot because low temperature LEDs are used. The continuous illumination allows you to easily set the exposure time. The JJC LED 60 provides more effective exposure of the subject during macro photography. The LED 60 ring flash uses 4 AA batteries as power supply.,
Fully dimmable 60 LEDs ring light Heat free LED technology Dimmable from 100% to 0% Produces bright, HD friendly soft light Flicker free light source Runs 3.5 hours on 4x 2000mAh Lithium AA batteries All in one camera light, no external cables Lightweight and compact 2 year warranty ,
1 x Adapter ring 49mm 1 x Adapter ring 52mm 1 x Adapter ring 55mm 1 x Adapter ring 58mm 1 x Adapter ring 62mm 1 x Adapter ring 67mm
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