LED VLOG gaisma - Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED light black - perc šodien veikalā un ar piegādi

  • modelis: Newell RGB Cutie Pie
  • jauda: 6W
  • CRI: 96
  • krāsu temperatūras diapazons: 2500 - 9900 K
  • gaismas krāsas regulēšana: 0 - 360º (HSI)
  • spilgtuma regulēšanas diapazons: 1 - 100%
  • speciālo efektu skaits: 21
  • akumulatora ietilpība: 2000 mAh
  • uzlādes jauda: 5 V / 2A
  • uzlādes pieslēgvieta: USB-C:
  • Balta krāsa
  • izmēri: Izmērs: 76 x 71 x 30 mm
  • svars: 113 g

Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED light black

Rated 4.9/5 based on 1 customer reviews

4545 ar PVN

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1 vienība , veikalā, F.Sadovņikova iela 39



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Newell RGB Cutie Pie ir kompakta LED lampa ar unikālu korpusu un daudzām funkcijām. Tā ir ideāla izvēle video veidotājiem, fotogrāfiem, vlogeriem un ceļotājiem, kuri novērtē mobilitāti un iespēju personalizēt iestatījumus. Pateicoties krāsu temperatūras regulēšanai diapazonā no 2500 K līdz 9900 K un iespējai mainīt gaismas krāsu HSI krāsu telpā (nokrāsa, piesātinājums, spilgtums), Cutie Pie piedāvā gandrīz neierobežotas iespējas eksperimentēt ar apgaismojumu. Ir pieejams arī 21 gatavs īpašais efekts. Lampai ir arī vairāki noderīgi piederumi: difuzors, stiprinājuma klips, aukstās kurpes adapteris, statīvs un USB-C kabelis.

Produkta galvenās iezīmes

  • unikālā korpusā iebūvēta kompakta LED lampa
  • viegla (113 g), parocīga un kompakta (76 x 71 x 30 mm)
  • video veidotājiem, fotogrāfiem, vlogeriem un ceļotājiem
  • lieliska izvēle, ja fotografējat portretus vai produktu fotogrāfijas
  • lielisks risinājums, ja vēlaties izgaismot kadru tālvadības nodarbību vai lekciju laikā
  • krāsu temperatūras regulēšana no 2500 K līdz 9900 K
  • iespēja mainīt gaismas krāsu HSI krāsu telpā (nokrāsa, piesātinājums, spilgtums)
  • 21 gatavs specefekts (tostarp uguņošanas ierīces, sveces, liesmas, ugunsdzēsēju automašīna).
  • ekrāns ar aizmugurējo apgaismojumu, kas ļauj ērti kontrolēt gaismas parametrus
  • intuitīva vadība, izmantojot ergonomiskas pogas
  • 1/4" vītne, kas ļauj lampu savienot ar citiem piederumiem.
  • iebūvēta baterija ar 2000 mAh ietilpību
  • USB-C ports ērtai un ātrai uzlādei
  • komplektā iekļautais difuzors ļauj iegūt maigu un vienmērīgi izkliedētu gaismu (ideāla izvēle portretu un produktu fotogrāfijām).
  • komplektā ir iekļauts aukstās kurpes adapteris, kas ļaus uzstādīt lampu, piemēram, kameras vai videokameras sāna vietā
  • Komplektā ietilpst arī īpaša stiprinājuma skava un kompakts statīvs.
  • magnētiskās aizmugures, kas ļauj ērti uzstādīt uz metāla virsmām

Unikāls dizains

Cutie Pie ir īsts dārgakmens kompakto LED paneļu pasaulē. Tas ir miniatūrs mākslas darbs, kas piesaista uzmanību ar savu unikālo dizainu, formu un raksturīgajām detaļām. Dzeltenās pogas un caurspīdīgās korpusa aizmugures ļauj izcelties no pūļa vai dažādot telpas, biroja vai studijas dekoru. Šis ir stilīgs dekors, kas uzsvērs interjera individuālo raksturu un jūsu radošo personību!

Krāsainas gaismas burvība

Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED lampa papildinās jūsu fotogrāfijas un videoklipus ar krāsainu gaismu, kas piešķirs unikālu raksturu jūsu kadriem un kadriem. Ierīce ļauj izmantot HSI krāsu paleti, kurā var atsevišķi iestatīt tādus parametrus kā spilgtums, nokrāsa un piesātinājums. Cutie Pie sniegs gandrīz neierobežotas iespējas eksperimentēt ar krāsainu gaismu. Ierīce nodrošina arī plašu krāsu temperatūras regulēšanas diapazonu (2500 - 9900 K). Pateicoties tam, jūs varat viegli pielāgot gaismu dažādiem apstākļiem. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jums ir nepieciešami silti toņi, mājīga atmosfēra vai ziemas vēsums, Cutie Pie palīdzēs sasniegt vēlamos rezultātus.

Ideāli piemērots tīmekļa vietņu veidotājiem

Newell RGB Cutie Pie ir rīks, kas lieliski atbilst mūsdienu interneta veidotāju vajadzībām. Lampa ar izmēriem 76 x 71 x 30 mm un svaru 113 g viegli ietilps mugursomā vai somā ar parocīgiem foto-video piederumiem. Tā ir obligāti nepieciešama vlogeriem, straumētājiem, fotogrāfiem un citiem interneta veidotājiem, kuriem rūp mobilitāte un plašas iespējas personalizēt ierakstu, tiešraižu vai fotosesiju laikā izmantoto gaismu.

Komplekta saturs

  • Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED lampa - melna
  • Difuzors
  • montāžas klips
  • aukstās kurpes adapteris
  • statīvs
  • USB-A / USB-C kabelis
Newell RGB Cutie Pie is a compact LED light distinguished by its unique housing and the multitude of features offered. It is an ideal choice for video makers, photographers, vloggers and travelers who value mobility and customizable settings. With adjustable color temperature ranging from 2500 K to 9900 K and the ability to change the color of the light within the HSI color space (hue, saturation, brightness), the Cutie Pie offers almost unlimited possibilities for experimenting with lighting. There are also 21 ready-made special effects on board. You also get a number of useful accessories included with the lamp: diffuser, mounting clip, cold shoe adapter, tripod and USB-C cable. Main Product Features compact LED lamp enclosed in a unique housing lightweight (113 g), handy and compact (76 x 71 x 30 mm) for video makers, photographers, vloggers and travelers a great choice when taking portraits or product shots perfect when you want to illuminate the frame during remote lessons or lectures adjustable color temperature from 2500 K to 9900 K the ability to change the color of the light within the HSI color space (hue, saturation, brightness) 21 preset special effects (including fireworks, candle, flame, fire truck) backlit screen for convenient control of light parameters intuitive operation with ergonomic knobs 1/4" thread allowing to connect the lamp with other accessories built-in 2000 mAh battery USB-C port for convenient and fast charging the included diffuser allows for soft and evenly diffused light (ideal choice for portraits and product photography) included cold shoe adapter, which will allow you to install the lamp, for example, in the camera or camcorder sled also includes a special mounting clip and a compact tripod magnetic back for convenient installation on metal surfaces Unique design Cutie Pie is a real gem in the world of compact LED panels. It is a miniature work of art that attracts attention with its unique design, shape and distinctive details. The yellow dials and translucent case backs allow you to stand out from the crowd or add variety to the decor of your room, office or studio. It is a stylish decoration that will emphasize the individual character of the interior and your creative personality! Magic of colored light The Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED lamp will allow you to complement your photos and videos with colored light that will add a unique touch to your shots and frames. The device allows you to take advantage of the HSI color palette, where you will separately set such parameters as brightness, hue and saturation. Cutie Pie will thus provide almost unlimited possibilities for experimenting with colored light. The device also guarantees a wide range of color temperature adjustment (2500 - 9900 K). This will allow you to easily adjust the light to different conditions. Whether you need warm hues, a cozy vibe or a wintry chill, Cutie Pie will help you achieve the desired effects. Ideal for web developers Newell RGB Cutie Pie is a tool that perfectly fits the needs of today's web developers. Measuring 76 x 71 x 30 mm and weighing 113 g, the lamp will easily fit into a backpack or bag with handy photo-video accessories. It's a must-have item for vloggers, streamers, photographers and other web creators who care about mobility and extensive customization options for the light used during recordings, live broadcasts or photo shoots. Rich set of accessories Included with the Newell RGB Cutie Pie lamp you will find a number of useful accessories that will help you make even better use of the potential of this small LED panel. Diffuser -a special silicone cap will allow you to get soft and evenly diffused light. By reaching for the diffuser, you will avoid harsh shadows and illuminate your face even better. Mounting clip - with it you can easily attach the lamp to your smartphone, laptop, monitor or desk and position it at the right angle. Cold shoe adapter - allows you to install the lamp on the sled of your camera or camcorder. Stand - a must-have item in every photo-video artist's essentials. Universal 1/4" thread will allow you to use the accessory not only in conjunction with a lamp, but also with a camera or smartphone mount. USB-A / USB-C cable - you can connect the Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED lamp to, among other things, a power bank or a traditional charger you charge your smartphone with on a daily basis. 21 special effects Newell RGB Cutie Pie offers up to 21 preset special modes. Various combinations of flashes, dims, and changes in color and hue allow you to simulate an ambulance, strobe, TV, fire, disco, radio car, or fireworks, among others. This unique solution will allow you to feel the magic of the cinema, without having to hire a pyrotechnic team and reach for additional accessories! Vlogs, TikTok and remote learning The special mounting clip you'll find in the kit with the Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED light is a real game changer when it comes to light setting convenience. A special "window" in the clip allows you to clip the lamp to your smartphone in such a way that it does not obstruct the lens. The accessory also features a toggle that will allow you to quickly and conveniently direct the light. It's an ideal choice for web developers, webinar presenters and online lecture participants. Light in the "beauty" The Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED lamp will work well not only in the hands of photographers and filmmakers. It's the perfect tool for working on makeup or nail styling. With a compact, high-quality light source at hand, you can be sure that varnishes, eye shadows and other cosmetics will be applied evenly and precisely. The lamp is also sure to be appreciated by vloggers who specialize in "beauty" topics. Cutie Pie will allow you to perfectly render the colors and shades of beauty products recommended on social networks. Regardless of your field, this miniature LED panel will provide you with perfect lighting that will highlight every detail. Mounting in multiple ways The Newell RGB Cutie Pie is a lamp that gives you complete freedom when it comes to mounting. There are strong magnets on the back of the unit that allow installation on metal surfaces. You'll also find a 1/4" thread on the housing of the lamp, which allows you to mount it on a tripod, cold shoe adapter or mounting clip. Choosing Cutie Pie, you don't need to invest in additional accessories. Everything you might need when organizing your workstation is included. Specification model: Newell RGB Cutie Pie power: 6 watts CRI: 96+ color temperature range: 2500 - 9900 K light color adjustment: 0 - 360º (HSI) brightness adjustment range: 1 - 100% number of special effects: 21 battery capacity: 2000 mAh charging power: 5 V / 2 A charging port: USB-C color: black dimensions: 76 x 71 x 30 mm weight: 113 g Set contents Newell RGB Cutie Pie LED lamp - black diffuser mounting clip cold foot adapter stand USB-A / USB-C cable
Produkta veidsLED lampa kamerai
Produkta veidsLED kabatas gaisma
Krāsas temperatūra2000 K - 10000 K
Apgaismojuma intensitātes maiņamaināma
LED gaismas veidskvadrāta
Jauda Watt10
Enerģijas padeveiebūvēts 800 mAh uzlādējams akumulators
Akumulatora ietilpība, mAh2000
Krāsu attēlojuma precizitāte (CRI)96

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