Godox ML100BI LED gaisma
Izbaudiet meistarīgu gaismas kontroli ar Godox ML100BI LED gaismu, kas izstrādāta Godox montāžas ekosistēmai. Tagad šī pārnēsājamā gaisma ir daudzpusīgāka, pateicoties vieglajiem piederumiem, un tā nodrošina izcilu spilgtumu un krāsu atveidi.
Galvenās funkcijas
- Pārnēsājams spožums kabatas izmēra dizainā
- Objektīva atstarotājs efektīvam apgaismojumam
- Lielisks krāsu atveidojums ar TLCI 97 un CRI 98
Kompakts un viegls
ML100Bi sver tikai 487 g un ir 122 mm x 110 mm x 46 mm liels, tāpēc ir ideāli piemērots fotografēšanai brīvā dabā, nodrošinot augstu spilgtumu ar maksimālo jaudu 100 W.
Efektīvs apgaismojuma risinājums
ML100Bi objektīva atstarotājs nodrošina precīzu un fokusētu apgaismojumu ar divām objektīvu opcijām (15 un 36), kas atbilst dažādām fotografēšanas prasībām jebkurā vidē.
Barošanas avota opcijas
Atbalstot līdzstrāvas barošanu, V tipa akumulatoru un barošanas banku, ML100Bi nodrošina ilgāku ierakstīšanas laiku un rezerves barošanu ārkārtas situācijām.
Visaptveroša piederumu sistēma
Izmantojot dažādus gaismas skulptūru veidošanas piederumus un Bowens stiprinājuma adaptera saderību, varat radīt satriecošus gaismas efektus kompaktās telpās.
Lielisks krāsu atveidojums
Pateicoties TLCI 97 un CRI 98, ML100Bi nodrošina izcilu krāsu atveidi, lai attēli būtu reālistiski.
Precīza apgaismojuma vadība
Viegli regulējiet spilgtumu un efektus, izmantojot apgaismojuma vadības ierīces vai Godox Light lietotni, kas atbalsta bezvadu vadību precīzai regulēšanai.
- Barošanas avots: 20V6A
- Maksimālā ieejas jauda: 120 W
- Spilgtuma diapazons: 0-100
- CRI vidējais: 97
- TLCI vidēji: 98
- CCT: 2800-6500K
- Bluetooth vadības attālums: Maksimālais Bluetooth Bluetooth distancēšanas attālums: max. 30m
- Darba vides temperatūra: 10C - 40C
- Neto svars: 487 g
- Garantija: 2 gadi
Iepakojumā ietilpst
- 1 x Godox ML100BI LED gaisma
- 1 x ML L15 atstarotāja objektīvs
- 1 x aizsargvāciņš
- 1 x kronšteins AD E2
- 1 x adapteris
- 1 x maiņstrāvas barošanas vads
Masterful light in the palm of your hand
Based on the powerful Godox mount ecosystem, the Godox ML100BI LED Light is now even more versatile with its new lightweight accessories. This enables easy and efficient light creation, giving you excellent light control and unparalleled mobility.
Portable brilliance in a pocket sized design
Lens Reflector, the efficient lighting solution
Excellent colour rendering of TLCI 97+ and CRI 98+
Portable brilliance in a pocket sized design
Measuring 122mm x 110mm x 46mm and weighing just 487g, the ML100Bi is the epitome of portability. Its slim and lightweight design makes it the perfect choice for outdoor shooting.
Lighter, brighter
While maintaining its lightweight design, the ML100Bi provides high brightness with a maximum output of 100 W. It shines like a standout performer among portable LED lights.
Various power supply solutions
The ML100Bi supports DC power, V mount battery with a voltage of 14.8 V and power via a power bank (via a USB C cable with a separately available power bank), extending recording time and providing backup power for emergencies.
Lens Reflector, the efficient lighting solution
Compared to ordinary reflectors, the ML100Bi reflector has a more compact size. The two lens options (15 and 36) allow precise and focused lighting or diffused lighting, meeting different shooting requirements in any environment.
Comprehensive accessory system for various effects
The ML100Bi offers a full range of Godox mounted light sculpting accessories, allowing you to create stunning lighting effects in compact spaces. Using a Bowens mount adapter, you can expand your options for lighting set ups.
Excellent colour rendering
With TLCI 97+ and CRI 98+, the ML100Bi delivers exceptional colour reproduction, ensuring lifelike images and meeting various shooting requirements.
Precise lighting control
Easily adjust brightness and effects with the lighting controls or the Godox Light app. The ML100Bi supports wireless control via the app, so you can fine tune the lighting exactly to your needs. ,
Power supply: 20V6A
Max input power: 120W
Brightness range: 0% 100%
CRI: average97
TLCI: average98
CCT: 2800 6500K
FX Type: 11
Bluetooth control distance: Max.30m
Working Environment Temperature: 10C ~ + 40C
Dimension (excluding lens reflector): 122 mm x 110 mm x 46 mm
Net weight (excluding lens reflector): 487 g
Warranty: 2 years
1 x Godox ML100BI LED Light
1 x ML L15 reflector lens
1 x Protective cap
1 x Bracket AD E2
1 x Adapter
1 x AC power cord