LED Gaismas paneļi - Amaran F21c EU LED Flexible Lights 60x30cm 120W RGBWW w softbox & grid - ātri pasūtīt no ražotāja

The Amaran F21c - V-mount is a 60cm by 30cm flexible light mat that is a great alternative to heavy LED panels enclosed in large housings. It is the ideal choice for working in tight and hard-to-reach areas. The unit is 5mm thick and weighs just 440g. You will install it anywhere with tape, Velcro or zip ties.

Amaran F21c EU LED Flexible Lights 60x30cm 120W RGBWW w softbox & grid

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Pirmā iemaksa,
Galvenās funkcijas
  • Paneļa virsmas laukums: 2 x 1'
  • Krāsu temperatūra 2500–7500 K
  • HSI pilna krāsu kontrole
  • Zaļa-Magenta korekcija
  • 15 iebūvēts Lighting FX, 46 gēla sākotnējie iestatījumi
  • CRI 95, TLCI 98, CQS 96
  • 100 W jauda
  • 0–100% aptumšošana, DMX vadība
  • Daudzsprieguma maiņstrāva, V-veida stiprinājuma akumulators
  • Softbox rāmis ar diviem difuzoriem un režģi

F21c RGBWW LED paklājiņš no amaran ir jaudīgs, daudzpusīgs un elastīgs LED paklājiņš, kura izmēri ir 2 x 1 collas. Tā piedāvā izcilu gaismas atdevi un krāsu atveidi, kas piemērota dažādiem lietotājiem, sākot no filmu veidotājiem līdz videogrāfiem, satura veidotājiem un fotogrāfiem. Nodrošina 100 W jaudu, tajā ir RGBWW gaismas diodes pilnīgai krāsu kontrolei, kā arī regulējams CCT no 2500 K līdz 7500 K, nodrošinot bezgalīgas iespējas radoši izvēlēties apgaismojumu, izmantojot 360 ° HSI vadību, 46 krāsu gēla iestatījumus un 15 unikālus pielāgojamus apgaismojuma efektus. Tam ir izcili CRI un TLCI rādītāji 95+ un 97+, kā arī bezpakāpju aptumšošana no 0 līdz 100%. Iekļauts salokāms X-rāmis nostiepj paklāju līdz stingram panelim, ko var piestiprināt tieši pie C veida statīva roktura galviņas, izmantojot taisno Baby Pin adapteri, vai uz jebkura standarta gaismas statīva ar komplektā iekļauto taisnleņķa Baby Pin un noliecamo statīva stiprinājumu. Iekļautajā salokāmajā softbox ir divas difūzijas stiprības un auduma režģis, kas izmanto integrētu āķa un cilpas audumu, lai šo elastīgo paklājiņu uzreiz pārvērstu par īpaši plānu mīkstu gaismu, kas ainavai piešķirs skaisti kontrolētu mīkstu gaismu.

Vadības bloks ir vairāku spriegumu maiņstrāvas barošanas avots, kam ir V-veida stiprinājuma akumulatora plāksne lietošanai ar saderīgām 14,4 V, 26 V vai 28,8 V baterijām. Pilnu jaudu var sasniegt, izmantojot maiņstrāvas barošanas avotu. Izmantojot akumulatorus, F21c var izmantot ar pusi vai pilnu jaudu atkarībā no akumulatora jaudas.

Bezmaksas lietotne Sidus Link ļauj izmantot rīkus, kas ir unikāli Aputure un Amaran ekosistēmām, piemēram, Source Match, Color Picker un Custom FX. F21c var arī vadīt, izmantojot DMX ar atsevišķi pieejamu USB-C līdz 5 kontaktu DMX512 ieejas un izejas adaptera kabeli, pievienojot profesionāla līmeņa vadību atsevišķai ierīcei vai lukturu grupām. Amaran F21c ir ideāli piemērots videogrāfiem, kuriem nepieciešams daudzpusīgs un burtiski elastīgs apgaismojuma risinājums. RGBWW elastīgais panelis sniedz lietotājiem nepārspējamu spēku un kontroli pār plašu, paplašinātu CCT diapazonu, lai tas atbilstu dažādām baltās gaismas vidēm.

  • 100 W jauda
  • 2 x 1 collu RGBWW elastīgs LED paklājiņš
  • Krāsu temperatūra no 2500 līdz 7500 K
  • CRI: 95+, TLCI: 97+, CQS: 96+
  • SSI (volframa): 83+, SSI (D56): 74+
  • HSI pilnkrāsu vadība
  • Noregulējama zaļa-purpura korekcija (plus/mīnus zaļa)
  • Bezpakāpju aptumšošana no 0 līdz 100%
  • Īpaši viegls LED paklājiņš
  • Lietotnes Sidus Link vadība viedtālruņiem un planšetdatoriem
  • DMX vadība ar USB-C līdz 5-pin DMX512 ieejas un izejas adaptera kabeli, pieejams atsevišķi
  • 15 iebūvēts apgaismojums FX, tostarp paparaci, zibens, televizors, svece, uguns, stroboskops, sprādziens, bojāta spuldze, pulsēšana, metināšana, policijas automašīna, krāsu meklēšana un daudz kas cits.
  • 46 krāsu gēla sākotnējie iestatījumi
  • Vienkārši uzstādāms vairāku spriegumu maiņstrāvas barošanas avots ar iekļautu V veida stiprinājuma akumulatora stiprinājumu
  • Vairāki līdzstrāvas risinājumi: 14,4 V/26/28,8 V/48 V (3 kontaktu XLR)
  • Mīksts somiņa pārnēsāšanai


  • amaran F21c RGBWW LED paklājiņš (V veida stiprinājums, 2 x 1')
  • Vadības kārba ar V veida stiprinājuma akumulatora plāksni
  • 9,8 collu pagarinājuma kabelis
  • Atbalsta kronšteins
  • Labā leņķa mazuļa piespraudes adapteris
  • Tiešais mazuļa piespraudes adapteris
  • Noliecams statīva stiprinājums
  • F21 Softbox Frame
  • F21 difūzijas audums 1 (1/2 režģa audums)
  • F21 difūzijas audums 2 (2,5 stop)
  • F21 45 ° gaismas vadības režģis
  • Daudzsprieguma maiņstrāvas barošanas avots
  • Maiņstrāvas barošanas kabelis
  • Pārnēsāšanas somiņa
Gaismas ķermeņi
897,4 fc / 9660 Luks pie 1,6 collas / 0,5 m
257,37fc Lukss pie 3,3 collu / 1 m
30,7 fc / 330 Luks pie 9,8 collu / 3 m
3200 K:
916 fc / 9860 Luks pie 1,6 collu / 0,5 m
268,5 fc / 2890 luksi pie 3,3 collas / 1 m
32 fc / 344 luksi pie 9,8 collu / 3 m
4300 K:
968 fc / 10 420 luksi pie 1,6 collas / 0,5 m
284,3 fc / 3060 luksi pie 3,3 collas / 1 m
34,1 fc / 367 luksi pie 9,8 collas / 3 m
5600 K: >
1060,9 fc / 11 420 luksi pie 1,6 collas / 0,5 m
312,1 fc / 3360 luksi pie 3,3 collas / 1 m
37,4 fc / 403 luksi pie 9,8 m
6500 K:
1128,7 fc / 12 150 luksi pie 1,6 collas / 0,5 m
330,7 fc / 3560 luksi pie 3,3 collas / 1 m
39,9 fc / pie 430,8 L ' / 3 m
7500 K:
1091,6 fc / 11 750 luksi pie 1,6 collas / 0,5 m
321,4 fc / 3460 luksi pie 3,3 collas / 1 m
38,7 fc / 417 Lux pie 9,8 collas/3 m
Krāsu temperatūra2500–7500 K
Krāsu režīmiRGBWW
Krāsu precizitātes standartsCRI 95
CQS 96
SSI 83 pie 5600 K
Dzesēšanas sistēmaPasīvs
AptumšošanaJā, no 0 līdz 100% (nepārtraukta)
Mājokļa materiālsPlastmasa
Paredzamais lampas kalpošanas laiks50000 stundu
Taisnstūrveida Panela Izmērs23,6 x 11,8 collas/60 x 30 cm
Armatūras izmēri23,6 x 11,8 x 0,2 collas/60,0 x 30,0 x 0,5 cm
Armatūras svars0,97 lb/0,44 kg
Akumulatora plāksne1 x V-veida stiprinājums
Strāvas ievades savienojumsXLR 3 pin
Armatūras stiprinājums5/8" Stud
Attālā darbība
Tālvadības pults veidsBluetooth, DMX
Bezvadu diapazons262,5 m/80 m (Bluetooth)
Maiņstrāvas ievades jauda100–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
līdzstrāvas ievades jauda12–33,6 V līdzstrāva
Barošanas avotsMaiņstrāva, ārējais akumulators
Maksimālais enerģijas patēriņš120 W
Jaudas caurlaide
Barošanas avots
Barošanas avota izvade48 VDC
Barošanas avota svars2,4 lb/1,1 kg
SertifikātiCE, FCC, RoHS, cTUVus, saskaņā ar ražotāju
Darbības temperatūra14 līdz 104°F / -10 līdz 40°C (ieteicams)

The Amaran F21c - V-mount is a 60cm by 30cm flexible light mat that is a great alternative to heavy LED panels enclosed in large housings. It is the ideal choice for working in tight and hard-to-reach areas. The unit is 5mm thick and weighs just 440g. You will install it anywhere with tape, Velcro or zip ties. The maximum output power of the lamp is up to 100 W. The innovative RGBWW LEDs will allow you to work with coloured light (HSI palette) and adjust the colour temperature (2500 K - 7500 K). The expandable X-Frame bracket will allow the lamp to be connected to professional tripods and mounts. The kit also does not lack a softbox, grid, power supply and transport case. Main product features flexible light mat measuring 60 by 30 cm high-quality workmanship for great durability excellent alternative to heavy lamps and traditional LED panels ideal choice for working in cramped and hard-to-reach areas colour control of light within the HSI colour space adjustable light colour temperature from 2500 K - 7500 K special programmes to imitate working with colour effect films (GEL) additional green and magenta correction (± 1.00 G) high CRI, TLCI and SSI values ensure professional quality light used in film and photography offers a maximum output power of 100 W light intensity without additional modifiers is up to 12150 lux (at a distance of 0.5 m) adjustable light colour temperature in the range of 2500 K - 7500 K high CRI, TLCI and SSI values ensure professional quality light used in film and photography 15 pre-defined special effects (music club, paparazzi, thunderstorm, TV, candle, campfire, strobe, explosion, broken bulb, pulsing, welding, radio car, "penetrating" light, party and fireworks) 4 lighting power control curves (linear, exponential, logarithmic and "S" curve) remote control from the Sidus Link mobile app (Android/iOS) maximum remote control range of up to 80 metres possibility of simultaneous operation of many different lamps within the Sidus Mesh system 5 mm thickness will allow it to be installed anywhere - all you need is a gaffer or brackets weighs just 440g, so it will work well in conjunction with c-stand booms and tripod arms to light scenes from above metal rings that allow the lamp to be attached with cords, carabiners or zip ties Velcro strap encircling the panel on the back for additional mounting 2 mounting studs (straight and L-shaped) and an articulating adaptor to allow the lamp to be installed on a tripod at different angles an articulated mounting adapter equipped with an umbrella hole folding X-Frame bracket for adequate rigidity when working with the softbox convenient installation of grids or diffusion fabrics on the softbox with Velcro includes 2 diffusion fabrics and a grid to narrow the light beam to 45º personal Control Box controller equipped with OLED screen, buttons and control knobs intuitive interface for fast and convenient control of light parameters programmable settings that you can call up in a second using special buttons controller equipped with a plate compatible with the Lightning Clamp (sold separately) V-mount socket allowing you to conveniently connect the controller to a power adapter or compatible battery USB-C port allowing the device to be connected to a DMX512 control system cables with automatic lock to prevent accidental disconnection carrying case included Versatile and ultra-mobile There are film sets where limited space makes working with light significantly more difficult. This is when the Amaran F21c LED lamp comes into action! You can install this flexible light mat measuring 60 by 30 cm wherever there is no room for large tripods. Stick it to the ceiling with tape, use cable ties, attach it with clamps at a convenient location or combine it with "magic arm" holders. At 5 mm thick and 440 g in weight, it will give you the ultra-mobility that traditional LED panels enclosed in heavy housings do not offer. Magic of coloured light The use of a state-of-the-art RGBWW circuit allows the colour of the light to vary freely within the HSI colour space. Adjustment of intensity, hue and saturation will provide you with thousands of possible combinations of settings. To ensure that the light colour is perfectly matched to your needs, the manufacturer has also included a green and magenta glow adjustment function. There is also a simulation of gel filters (GEL). You no longer need to buy coloured foils - with the Amaran F21c lamp they will be replaced by modern technology! 100 W output power The innovative light mat is not only ultra-mobile and conveniently mounted, but also offers exceptional performance. The maximum output power here is up to 100 W. The light intensity without additional modifiers is a maximum of 12150 lux (at a distance of 0.5 m). The device is distinguished by the high quality of the modern LEDs. This is best confirmed by indicators such as CRI: ≥95, TLCI: ≥98, CQS: ≥96, SSI (Tungsten): ≥83 and SSI (D56): ≥73. Heat/cold When you use the Amaran F21c - V-mount LED lamp, with just a turn of a dial or a few clicks on the mobile app, you can quickly set the right light colour temperature, ranging from 2500 K to 7500 K. Do you want to create a pleasant focal camping atmosphere? Or do you want your shot to emphasise the coolness of a cloudy day? Thanks to the wide adjustment range, you will not only find it easier to match colours, but you will also learn to think creatively about warm and cool colours in film and photography! Get rid of shadows! In the kit with the Amaran F21c LED lamp - V-mount you will find modifiers to soften the light, disperse harsh shadows and direct the beam accordingly if necessary. You can use one or two diffusion fabrics ( -0.5 EV and -2.5 EV ) or reach for a "honeycomb" (45° grid). Thanks to Velcro fasteners you can conveniently install each modifier inside the softbox. Convenient mounting Included with the Amaran F21c LED Lamp - V-mount you will find a foldable X-Frame mount, which will provide the right rigidity for the panel when working with light modifiers or tripods. You will successfully combine it with popular mounting studs, as well as with an articulated adapter, which will allow you to direct the light at the right angle. 15 special effects Among the innovations offered by the Amaran LED F21c - V-mount lamp, there is no shortage of a set of unique special effects. Spectacular combinations of flashes and changing colours will allow you to use such simulations as a music club, paparazzi, thunderstorm, TV, candle, campfire, strobe, explosion, broken bulb, pulsating, welding, radio car, 'penetrating' light, party and fireworks. You can customise each effect by changing the individual parameters from the built-in screen or the Sidus Link app. Control Box The included external Control Box controller to control the lamp weighs just 1.2 kg. The slim box is sure to appeal to those who appreciate minimalism and ergonomics. It features a bright OLED display and easy-to-use buttons and dials. On its casing, you will find a quick-mount plate with which you can connect the Lighting Clamp. There is also a metal cable allowing you to safely hang the controller in the desired location. LIGHTING CLAMP HANDLE MUST BE PURCHASED PERSONALLY. Battery or power supply Included with the Amaran F21c - V-mount LED light you will find a traditional power supply and a set of necessary cables. If you are planning to shoot in locations where there is no access to electrical sockets, nothing lost! You can connect an external rechargeable battery to the unit (to be purchased separately). The V-mount socket, which you will find on the controller, will keep things tidy on set and avoid unnecessary cable clutter. You will not only connect compatible batteries to it, but also the power supply, which is equipped with a suitable mounting plate. The external battery pack is NOT PART OF THE KIT. Sidus Link app The Amaran F21c - V-mount LED lamp is compatible with the Sidus Mesh system, which allows remote control via the Sidus Link app. You download it completely free from Google Play, App Store, Mi App Store or Huawei App Gallery. The app allows you to control a single light source as well as an entire setup of lighting equipment from the Aputure and Amaran brands. The remote control range is up to 80 metres! 4 adjustment curves Every film set is different. With the Amaran F21c - V-mount lamp, far fewer variables can surprise you! To ensure that you can work comfortably in different conditions, you can choose from 4 lighting power control curves: linear, exponential, logarithmic, S-curve, These will allow you to adapt the lamp behaviour to your individual working style and current requirements. DMX system support On the case of the Control Box controller you will find a USB-C port, which will allow you to connect the device to a DMX512 control system using a suitable adapter. If you are using a control console to manage your lighting and stage effects, the Amaran F21c - V-mount LED lamp will be an excellent addition to such a set-up. USB-C / DMX adapter MUST be purchased separately. Convenient transport Convenient transport and safe storage of the lamp and accessories is made possible by the handy carrying case included in the kit. The compartments make removing and stowing the equipment even more convenient. The case is covered with a pleasant-to-touch material. Its thickness is only 10.5 cm, so that the ultra-mobile Amaran F21c - V-mount lamp will not take up much space in transport. Specification Model: Amaran F21c - V-mount CRI: ≥95 TLCI: ≥98 CQS: ≥96 TM-30 RF: 94 (averaged value) TM-30 RG: 102 (averaged value) SSI (Tungsten): ≥83 SSI (D56): ≥73 LEDs: red, green, blue, warm white and cool white Angle of illumination: 180º 45º (with grid) maximum output power: 100 watts maximum power consumption: 120 W operating current: 2.5 A Power supply: network (AC): 48 V DC D-Tap battery: 12 V - 28.8 V DC Compatible batteries: 12 V 16.8 V 26 V 28.8 V (full power output) Power cables: DC: with clamping lock (3 m) AC: IEC C13 AC with attachment lock (4 m) Allowed operating temperature: - 10°C - 40°C Controls: lamp control panel Sidus Link application DMX wireless connectivity: Bluetooth 5.0 (Sidus Mesh) maximum remote control range: 80 m software update capability: via Sidus Link app screen: OLED cooling: natural heat dissipation mounting points: 3x 1/4 "thread LED life expectancy: 50000 h estimated LED colour change: 2% (after 6000 h) certifications: CE, FCC, cTUVus, KC, NCC, ROHS Dimensions: lamp: 60 x 30 x 0.5 cm lamp with softbox installed: 62.5 x 35.0 x 10.5 cm controller: 19 x 15 x 7 cm transport bag: 66 x 35 x 10.5 cm Weight: lamp: 0.44 kg controller: 1.2 kg power pack: 0.7 kg handle: 0.66 kg Kit contents Amaran F21c LED lamp - V-mount control Box controller folding X-Frame holder articulated mounting adapter power supply with V-mount AC power cable extension cable (3 m) mounting pin (straight) L-shaped mounting stud softbox 45º grating ("honeycomb") 2x diffusion fabric transport case Photometry CCT Distance No modifier Softbox (-0.5 EV) Softbox (-2.5 EV) 2500 K 0.5 m 9660 lx 5620 lx 4100 lx 2500 K 1 m 2770 lx 1680 lx 1191 lx 2500 K 3 m 330 lx 231 lx 158 lx 3200 K 0.5 m 9860 lx 5870 lx 4250 lx 3200 K 1 m 2890 lx 1754 lx 1176 lx 3200 K 3 m 344 lx 240 lx 163 lx 4300 K 0.5 m 10420 lx 6250 lx 4510 lx 4300 K 1 m 3060 lx 1860 lx 1253 lx 4300 K 3 m 367 lx 256 lx 173 lx 5600 K 0.5 m 11420 lx 6850 lx 4940 lx 5600 K 1 m 3360 lx 2048 lx 1380 lx 5600 K 3 m 403 lx 280 lx 191 lx 6500 K 0.5 m 12150 lx 7300 lx 5230 lx 6500 K 1 m 3560 lx 2182 lx 1470 lx 6500 K 3 m 430 lx 299 lx 203 lx 7500 K 0.5 m 11750 lx 7060 lx 5040 lx 7500 K 1 m 3460 lx 2120 lx 1432 lx 7500 K 3 m 417 lx 290 lx 197 lx
Produkta veidsLED Gaismas paneļi
Produkta veidsAC Adapteri
Produkta veidsLED Galda lampa
Krāsas temperatūra5600 K
Apgaismojuma intensitātes maiņamaināma
LED gaismas veidslokāma
Jauda Watt120
Krāsu attēlojuma precizitāte (CRI)95
Platums, m0.25
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