Godox LED1000 Daylight Duo paneļu komplekts
Godox LED1000 Duo paneļu komplekts sastāv no divām Godox LED 1000W video gaismām ar šķūņa durvīm, rullīšu korpusa un diviem lampu statīviem.
Godox LED 1000W ar durtiņām
Godox LED 1000W piedāvā nepārtrauktu liela formāta apgaismojumu un iespaidīgu 4400 luksu gaismas jaudu metra attālumā no objekta. LED 1000W sastāv no 1024 energoefektīvām LED gaismām ar 5600K krāsu temperatūru. Ir iekļauti divi filtri, lai mainītu gaismas toni.
Vienkārši un gudri
Gaismas cietību var iestatīt no 10% līdz pilnai jaudai. LED 1000W ir komplektā ar izturīgu kronšteinu un ir aprīkots ar četriem vārstiem. Kronšteins ļauj ērti novietot lampu uz statīva un noliekt tā pozīciju. Varat izmantot atlokus, lai kontrolētu gaismu vai aizsargātu daļu no objekta no gaismas.
Barošanas iespējas
Šo Godox lampu var darbināt ar komplektācijā iekļauto strāvas vadu vai papildu Sony BP-L sērijas akumulatoriem.
Godox CB-10 pārnēsāšanas soma
Šī pārnēsāšanas soma ir paredzēta līdz pat 3 LED paneļu drošai transportēšanai, ieskaitot jūgus un savienojuma kabeļus. Somai ir mīksta iekšējā odere un biezi polsterēti sadalītāji, lai aizsargātu jūsu aprīkojumu.
Caruba LS-8 lampas statīvs (100–292 cm)
Gaisa piekares Caruba LS-8 lampas statīvs sastāv no četrām sekcijām, kuras ir regulējamas ar viegli vadāmu skavas fiksatoru palīdzību. Lampas statīvs sver 1,8 kilogramus, un tā maksimālais augstums nav mazāks par 292 centimetriem, un maksimālā kravnesība ir 4,5 kilogrami.
Tapas savienojums
Augšpusē ir universāls tapas stiprinājums ar 1/4 "un 3/8" vītņotu savienojumu. Tapas adapteri var pievienot arī statīva labajā un kreisajā pusē.
- 2x Led 1000D MKll ar durtiņām
- 2 x Caruba lampas statīvs
- 1 Godox CB-10 pārnēsāšanas soma
The Godox LED1000 Duo Panel Kit consists of two Godox LED 1000W video lights with barn doors, a roll case and two lamp stands.
Godox LED 1000W with barn doors
The Godox LED 1000W offers continuous lighting in a large format and with an impressive light output of 4400 Lux at a distance of a meter from your subject. The LED 1000W is made up of 1024 energy efficient LED lights with a color temperature of 5600K. Two filters are included for when you want to change the tone of the light.
Simple and smart
The hardness of the light can be set from 10% to full power. The LED 1000W comes complete with a robust bracket and is equipped with four valves. The bracket makes it easy to place the lamp on a tripod and tilt its position. You can use the flaps to control the light or to shield a part of your subject from the light.
Feeding options
This Godox lamp can be powered with the supplied power cord or with optional Sony BP L series batteries.
Godox CB 10 Carrying Bag
This carrying case is designed to safely transport up to 3 LED panels including yokes and connection cables. The bag has soft interior lining and thickly padded dividers to protect your equipment.
Caruba LS 8 lamp tripod (100 292cm)
The air suspended Caruba LS 8 lamp stand consists of four sections that are adjustable by means of easily operated clamp locks. The lamp stand weighs 1.8 kilograms and has a maximum height of no less than 292 centimeters and a maximum load capacity of 4.5 kilograms.
Spigot connection
At the top is a universal spigot attachment with a 1/4 and 3/8 threaded connection. The spigot adapter can also be connected to the right and left side of the tripod. ,
Brightness of 4400 Lux at a distance of one meter
Continuous lighting with a color temperature of 5600K
Constructed from 1024 LEDs that are continuously adjustable
Optional Remote control (not included)
Power supply via power cord or optional Sony BP L series batteries
Equipped with a bracket and barn doors
The lamp measures 43 x 46 x 10 centimeters and weighs 2.44 kilograms
Tripod has universal spigot connection and durable aluminum construction
Four sections with clamp lock
Transport length of 86.5 centimeters
Warranty standard: 2 years
Battery warranty: 3 months
Flashtube Warranty: None
2x Led 1000D MKll with barndoor
2x Caruba Lamp stand
1x Godox CB 10 Carrying Bag