Amaran PT1c ir īpaši pārnēsājama 30cm ar akumulatoru darbināma pikseļu caurule, kas ir daļa no Amaran pirmās krāsainās krāsas LED pikseļu caurules sērijas. Pikseļu caurulīšu sēriju veido 30cm, 60cm un 120cm garuma saime - visi ar vairākiem pikseļu FX, RGBWW krāsu kvalitāti, Sidus Link App & DMX1 vadību un USB-C uzlādējamām baterijām. Gluda un tieva forma. Amaran Pt1c ir kompakta un daudzpusīga caurules gaisma, kas atraisīs radošumu un dos bezgalīgu iespēju diapazonu.
Pt1c, kas pārspēj citas gaismas savā klasē, ir 4 iebūvēti pikseļi, kurus var patstāvīgi kontrolēt, izmantojot lietotni Sidus Link, un 7 iepriekš ieprogrammēto pikseļu FX dažādiem scenārijiem papildus 9 sistēmas efektiem.
Pt1c RGBWW LED mikroshēmojums kā pilnkrāsu armatūra rada augstu krāsu kvalitāti un precīzus ādas toņus visā tā CCT diapazonā no 2700K līdz 10 000K ar pilnu zaļās magenta kontroli, sasniedzot augstu CRI [95], TLCI [98], un SSI vērtības visā pasaulē ar SSI (volframa) 85 un SSI (D56) 75.
PT1C darbina noņemams 9,6Wh litija jonu akumulators līdz 70 minūtēm ar maksimālo jaudu.
Uzlabotai daudzpusībai PT1C daudzšķautņainajos gala apvalkos ne tikai iebūvēti magnēti, bet arī 180 ° rotējamība, lai gaismu pagrieztu vienmēr ideālā pozīcijā. Papildus magnetizētiem galdiem PT1C ir 3/8-16 collas vītņots stiprinājums katrā gaismas galā, lai gaismu varētu piestiprināt statīviem un citiem turētājiem. Iespējas ir bezgalīgas, ar iespēju izmantot savienojošos savienojumus2, lai sakārtotu caurules vairākās 3D formās, piemēram, ar Amaran T2C/T4c.
Pt1c var kontrolēt no jaunā interfeisa caurules aizmugurē, kurā ir jaunākā lietotāja saskarne, vai izmantojot Sidus Link Bluetooth lietotni, kas darbina pārējo Aputure un Amaran produktu līnijas. Šī īpaši spējīgā lietojumprogramma var kontrolēt visas ainas lukturus, aktivizēt satriecošos apgaismojuma efektus un nodrošināt, ka pikseļu cauruļu programmatūra vienmēr ir atjaunināta. Lai veiktu uzlabotas konsoles vadības ierīces, vadu USB-C līdz 5-PIN XLR IN & OUT DMX Dongle1 dod DMX vadību visai pikseļa caurules produktu līnijai, piemēram, Amaran T2C/T4C un F sērijas produktiem.
Apvienojot funkcionalitātes slāņus, akumulatora jaudu, augstas kvalitātes krāsu un augstas caurlaidības difuzoru, kas rada plašu 180 ° staru leņķi, visneparastākā pikseļu caurule no Amaran kalpos kā efektu gaisma, aizpildošā gaisma, acu atspīdumu veidotājs un citās situācijās. 45o auduma šūnas3 uzlabos gaismas kvalitāti līdz pilnībai.
The Amaran PT1c is an ultralight tube-shaped LED lamp with a length of 30 cm. Its excellent light quality, wide range of color temperature settings (2700 K - 10000 K), adjustment of hue, saturation and intensity within HSI space, 4 LED control zones and "Pixel FX" effects, make it an excellent choice for creative video makers and photographers. The replaceable battery guarantees up to 70 minutes of wireless operation at full power. Remote control via the Sidus Link mobile app and compatibility with the DMX standard further expand the possibilities for controlling settings. Two 3/8" female threads allow convenient mounting on a tripod or compatible mount. There are also strong magnets on the housing to connect the lamp to a metal surface. Main product features tube-shaped lamp with a length of 30 cm created with filmmakers, photographers and vloggers in mind high CRI, TLCI, CQS and SSI for excellent color reproduction extensive color temperature adjustment range of 2700 K - 10000 K color control within the HSI space 4 independent light control zones 9 special FX effects (including police car, paparazzi, campfire, TV) 7 transition effects ("Pixel FX") between different sections of LEDs (including penetration, fire, rainbow) powered by an 18650 battery with a capacity of 2600 mAh convenient access to the battery for replacement up to 70 minutes of operation using full power up to 369 minutes of operation using 10% power full charging time is approximately 110 minutes convenient charging via power bank or smartphone charger (USB-C port) remote control via the advanced Sidus Link mobile app Sidus Mesh integration allowing you to control various Aputure and Amaran lights with your smartphone or tablet compatible with DMX standard (USB-C / DMX cable must be purchased) equipped with 2 female 3/8 "mounting threads powerful magnets placed on the rings crowning both ends of the lamp the ability to rotate the rings with magnets to adjust the desired angle of light in the set you will find a USB-A / USB-C cable and a carrying bag Multiple applications The Amaran PT1c LED light is an excellent choice for creative filmmakers and photographers. The elongated 30 cm long tube-shaped panel is perfect as an effect light, highlighting details or complementing your productions with a colorful "wow" effect. Create unique backgrounds, build unique sets or paint with light ("light painting") using long exposure times. If you are involved in the production of music videos or commercials, want to take care of the unique atmosphere of your vlogs or need to complement your video footage with vivid colors, the Amaran PT1c LED lamp will be an excellent choice. Adjustable color temperature The Amaran PT1c LED lamp allows you to adjust the color temperature of the light from 2700 K to 10000 K. Such flexibility is sure to make your work easier, allowing you to instantly adjust the device's parameters to changing lighting conditions. A few clicks are all it takes to produce light that can be warmer than that emitted by tungsten lamps or cooler than typical daylight. High quality light Thanks to the use of state-of-the-art RGBWW LEDs, the Amaran PT1c lamp provides top quality light, no matter which color available within the HSI space you decide to choose. The device will allow you to adjust the hue, saturation and intensity. Faithful color rendering is confirmed by high CRI (95), TLCI (98) and SSI Tungsten (85) ratings. Long operating time The power source of the Amaran PT1c lamp is a 18650 battery with a capacity of 2600 mAh. Convenient access to the battery compartment will allow you to easily replace the cell if you don't have time to charge it via the USB-C port. The battery will provide 70 minutes of wireless operation, using full lamp power. If you reduce the brightness to 10%, you will gain more than 6 hours of operation on a single charge! Multiple mounting methods Although the lamp itself has a rounded tube shape, its ends are secured with properly shaped caps, which allow you to set it stably on flat surfaces. There are also 2 3/8" threads on the housing of the device, which will allow you to install the tube on a tripod or bracket. The manufacturer also took care of 2 strong magnets that will allow you to attach the Amaran PT1c lamp to metal surfaces Technology "Pixel FX" The Amaran PT1c lamp offers 4 independent light control zones. This means that adjacent LED modules can shine in different colors. The device also offers 7 built-in "Pixel FX" transition effects. Unique light animations such as penetration, rainbow, fire or color cycles will allow you to show even more creativity when working on video footage. remote-control You can control the Amaran PT1c lamp not only from the built-in control panel. The device is compatible with the powerful Sidus Link mobile app. You download it from Google Play or the App Store at no extra charge. With the app, the lamp can become part of a larger ecosystem of light sources. It is with its help that you will program advanced combinations of transitions, as well as personalize settings for each group of LEDs. The lamp is also compatible with the DMX standard. USB-C / DMX adapter MUST be purchased separately. Specification model: Amaran PT1c light color temperature: 2700 K - 10000 K CRI (for 5600 K): 95 TLCI (for 5600 K): 98 CQS (for 5600 K): 96 TM-30 RF (for 5600 K): 92 TM-30 RG (for 5600 K): 100 SSI (Tungsten): 85 SSI (D56): 75 maximum output power: 6 watts maximum power consumption: 8 W number of sections ("pixel mapping"): 4 luminous flux: 370 lm angle of illumination: 180º charging port: USB-C battery: 3.7V, 2600 mAh (9.6 Wh) Max runtime on a single charge: 10% power: 369 minutes 50% power: 139 minutes 75% power: 95 minutes 100% power: 70 minutes charging time: 110 minutes (5V / 2 A) allowed operating temperature: -10°C - 40°C software update capability: Sidus Link app display: TFT protection class: IP20 cooling: passive dimensions: Ø42 x 300 mm weight: 315 g Kit contents Amaran PT1c LED lamp USB-A / USB-C cable (1.1m) transport bag Photometrics CCT 0.5 m 1 m 2700 K 325 lx 87 lx 3200 K 331 lx 88 lx 4300 K 342 lx 91 lx 5600 K 359 lx 95 lx 6500 K 355 lx 94 lx 7500 K 339 lx 89 lx 10000 K 313 lx 83 lx Red 240 lx 64 lx Green 337 lx 92 lx Blue 74 lx 20 lx
Produkta veids | LED gaismas caurule |
Krāsas temperatūra | RGB-WW |
Krāsas temperatūra | Bi-color |
Akumulatora ietilpība, mAh | 2600 |
Attālināta vadība | Ar lietotni |
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