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S6 KIT SON 12-24 F4


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Produkta veidsFiltra turētāji
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Filtru adapteriFiltru turētājs

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**NiSi Filter Holder S6 Kit Sony 12-24 F4 **

The advanced NiSi S6 filter holder is made of aluminum alloy and can accommodate up to three filters; Two 150 mm square filters (2 mm thick) and a supplied circular polarizing filter which is placed in a special compartment that allows it to be rotated 360 degrees with a couple of small, easily accessible exterior wheels. In this way, you can quickly and easily get the desired rotation of the polarizating filter without having to detach the holder.

No vinjetting!

On this S6 filter holder you can also lock the turning filterholder in any position, with the new designed locking screw.

The smart design makes it possible to simultaneously use both a standard ND filter, a graduated ND filter and a circular polarizing filter -- a very desired combination for landscape photography.

The S6 filter holder also have a new "flocking material on the inside of the holder: It will help to eliminate the inner reflections and avoid glaring on your pictures.

The NiSi S6 Filter Holder Kit comes with an adapter tailored for a particular ultra wide-angle lens that lacks normal filter thread. However, the adapter can be exchanged so that the holder can be used with other lenses if desired.

The polarizing filter is built for use in the S6 adapter and can not be mounted directly on a lens.
( Note: This S6 Polarizer filter can also be used on the S5 filter holder, but the S5 polarizer filter can not be used on the S6 filter holder!)

The new Octagon-design on the S6 filter holder, makes it easy and fast to install and unload your ND filters.

Features NiSi S6 Filter Holder

  • Made for full frame ultra-wide angle lenses
  • Can hold two 150 mm square filters plus a round polarizing filter
  • No vinjetting
  • Can lock the turning filterholder in any position
  • Easy and fast to install and unload your ND filters.
  • Smart, easily accessible adjustment wheels for the polarizing filter
  • Made of metal (aluminum alloy) and have matt painting to avoid reflections
  • NiSi S6 Pouch, Polarizer Filter and Cap are included
Produkta veidsFiltra turētāji
Filtra tipsTurētājs
Filtru adapteriFiltru turētājs
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  • 2b. Ja vēlies iegādāties vairākas preces vai izmantot citu līzinga kompāniju, tad liec preces grozā, un pie pasūtījuma nodormēšanas izvēlies līzinga pakalpojumu.
    Piedāvājam līzingu no Aizdevums SIA, Incredit SIA, ESTO.
    Konsultanti pārbaudīs grozā esošo preču pieejamību un nosūtīs aizdevuma pieteikuma saiti.
  • 3. Ja saņemta pozitīva atbilde, sazinies ar mums par preces iegādi. Konsultanti pārbaudīs preces pieejamību.
  • 4. Ja prece ir pieejama veikalā vai pasūtāma no noliktavas, un esi saņēmis apstiprinošu atbildi no mūsu konsultantiem, dodies pie mums uz veikalu, lai noformētu pirkuma un līzinga dokumentus.
  • 4a. Vari arī lūgt mums izrakstīt rēķinu par šo preci un pats doties uz kādu no līzinga devēja filiālēm, lai noformētu līzinga dokumentus*.
  • 5. Kad līzinga dokumenti ir noformēti, vari doties saņemt preci veikalā (ja tā ir uz vietas) vai informēt mūsu konsultantus, lai tā tiktu pasūtīta no noliktavas.
  • *Līzingā iegādātām precēm ir iespējams noformēt piegādi, tāpēc visu iegādes procesu vari veikt arī attālināti.
    **Tāda pati līzinga noformēšanas soļu secība ir arī InCredit Group piedāvātajiem līzingiem.
    ***Neskaidrību gadījumā sazinieties ar mūsu konsultantiem!

    NB! Izmantojot līzinga pakalpojumus, rūpīgi izvērtējiet savas iespējas aizdevumu atmaksāt!
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