Augsts nēsāšanas komforta līmenis
Caruba Sling Strap Advanced Version ir stropu sistēma, kas ļauj izmantot kameru ar vienu kustību. Tas ir piemērots kamerām līdz 5 kg. Daļa, kas balstās uz pleca, ir izgatavota no neoprēna, lai visi triecieni tiktu absorbēti un siksna neiegrieztos plecā. Pretslīdes materiāls nodrošina, ka siksna paliek uz pleca un netīši neizkustas. Siksniņa regulējama no 100 līdz 154 cm.
Vienkārša klikšķu sistēma
Sling Strap Advanced Version ir ātri un viegli atvienojama no kameras, pateicoties plastmasas klipiem. Tas ir īpaši noderīgi, ja nevēlaties fotografēt ar nokarenu jostu. Tas neļauj jums aiz kaut kā aizķerties vai nejauši nokļūt attēlā.
- Neoprēna polsterējums un pretslīdes plecu daļā
- Ar ērtu klikšķu sistēmu
- Regulējams no 100 līdz 154 cm
- Plecu daļas platums 4-6cm
- Austās daļas platums ir 1,9 cm
- Maksimālā kravnesība 5kg
With the Caruba Sling Strap Advanced Version you will always have your camera ready for use. The resilient neoprene ensures that any shocks are absorbed. This makes it a comfortable strap to wear, especially when you have it on for a long time.
High level of carrying comfort
The Caruba Sling Strap Advanced Version has a sling system, which allows you to use your camera in one move. It is suitable for cameras up to 5kg. The part that rests on your shoulder is made of neoprene so that any shocks are absorbed and the strap does not cut into your shoulder. The anti slip material ensures that the strap remains on your shoulder and does not shift unintentionally. The strap is adjustable from 100 to 154 cm.
Easy click system
The Sling Strap Advanced Version is quick and easy to detach from your camera thanks to the plastic clips. This is particularly useful is you do not want to take photographs with a dangling belt. It prevents your from getting stuck behind something or accidentally having your sling in the picture.
Neoprene padding and anti slip on the shoulder part
With handy click system
Adjustable from 100 to 154 cm
Width of the shoulder part is 4 6cm
Width of the woven part is 1.9cm
Maximum carry capacity of 5kg
3 year warranty
1 x Caruba Sling Strap Advanced Version (Black) (MENZ)