Newell SupraCell EN-EL15C is an innovative replacement battery designed for cameras. The cells and modern electronics used in it will satisfy even the most demanding users. The SupraCell line was created especially for intensive use, as well as very frequent charging and discharging. The presented cell offers up to 2300 mAh capacity. Thanks to the resistance to extreme temperatures, you will successfully use it while working on photos and films both in the winter landscape, and during hot days. With a 40-month warranty, the revolutionary Newell SupraCell battery will accompany you for many years, and in case of any failure will be quickly replaced by a new one by the manufacturer!
Newell SupraCell EN-EL15C ir novatorisks rezerves akumulators, kas paredzēts kamerām. Tajā izmantotās šūnas un modernā elektronika apmierinās pat visprasīgākos lietotājus. SupraCell līnija tika radīta īpaši intensīvai lietošanai, kā arī ļoti biežai uzlādei un izlādei. Piedāvātā šūna piedāvā līdz 2300 mAh jaudu. Pateicoties izturībai pret ekstremālām temperatūrām, jūs to veiksmīgi izmantosit, strādājot ar fotogrāfijām un filmām gan ziemas ainavā, gan karstās dienās. Ar 40 mēnešu garantiju revolucionārais Newell SupraCell akumulators pavadīs jūs daudzus gadus, un jebkuras kļūmes gadījumā ražotājs to ātri nomainīs pret jaunu!
Galvenās produkta funkcijas
Vēl vairāk iespēju
Newell SupraCell rezerves akumulators EN-EL15C tika izveidots, domājot par visprasīgākajiem lietotājiem. Pasaulslavenā zīmola daudzu gadu pieredze ļāva izveidot šūnu, kas piedāvā vēl lielāku izturību un veiktspēju. Akumulators ir izturīgs pret lielu skaitu uzlādes ciklu, kas nozīmē, ka jūs varat baudīt 2300 mAh jaudu ļoti ilgu laiku. Jums nav jāuztraucas par to, ka pēc dažu mēnešu intensīvas lietošanas šūnas kalpošanas laiks ievērojami saīsinās. SupraCell sērija ir pilnīgi jauna aizvietotāju kvalitāte!
Darbs sarežģītos apstākļos
Ja ārā bieži sniedzaties pēc filmēšanas vai fotografēšanas aprīkojuma, noteikti zināt, ka akumulatori un to nomaiņas var kļūt traki ļoti zemā temperatūrā. Newell SupraCell EN-EL15C nodrošinās jums optimālu komfortu tieši šādās situācijās. Projektējot kameru, inženieri ņēma vērā ārkārtīgi zemu un augstu temperatūru (no 20 līdz 90ºC). Akumulators ir aprīkots arī ar NTC rezistoriem. Viņi ir atbildīgi par temperatūras kontroli šūnā, kas ir noslēgta korpusā, kas izgatavots no ugunsdroša materiāla. Visi šie uzlabojumi ļaus jums aizmirst par sarežģījumiem, kas saistīti ar aizstājēja lietošanu, un pilnībā koncentrēties uz savu darbu vai aizraušanos!
Aizsardzība un drošība
Newell SupraCell rezerves akumulators EN-EL15C izmanto inteliģentu aizsardzības sistēmu, kuras pamatā ir IC elektronika. Tas regulē uzlādes procesu, vienlaikus nodrošinot augstu drošības līmeni. Ir arī vairākas tehnoloģijas, kas aizsargā pret pārkaršanu, pārlādēšanu un pārslodzi. Pateicoties visiem šiem jauninājumiem, EN-EL15C akumulatora nomaiņa garantē vēl lielāku uzticamību un izturību!
40 mēnešu ražotāja garantija
Newell ir simtiem tūkstošu apmierinātu klientu visā pasaulē, kuri ir izbaudījuši augstas kvalitātes akumulatoru nomaiņu, ko izmanto dažādās ierīcēs. Paturot to prātā, visu Newell produktu servisa garantija ir pagarināta līdz 40 mēnešiem. Izvēloties Newell akumulatorus, varat būt pārliecināti, ka tie kalpos jums vismaz 3 gadus, strādājot un īstenojot jūsu aizraušanos!
D500, D600, D610, D750, D780, D800, D810, D850, D7000, D7100, D7200, D7500, Z5, Z6, Z7, Z6II, Z7IISpecifikācija
Newell SupraCell EN-EL15C is an innovative replacement battery designed for cameras. The cells and modern electronics used in it will satisfy even the most demanding users. The SupraCell line was created especially for intensive use, as well as very frequent charging and discharging. The presented cell offers up to 2300 mAh capacity. Thanks to the resistance to extreme temperatures, you will successfully use it while working on photos and films both in the winter landscape, and during hot days. With a 40-month warranty, the revolutionary Newell SupraCell battery will accompany you for many years, and in case of any failure it will be quickly replaced by a new one by the manufacturer!
Even more possibilities
The Newell SupraCell replacement EN-EL15C battery has been created with the most demanding users in mind. Many years of experience of the world-famous brand has allowed to create a cell that offers even greater durability and performance. The battery is resistant to a large number of charging cycles, which means that you can enjoy the capacity of 2300 mAh for a very long time. You don’t have to worry about the fact that after a few months of intensive use, the life of the cell will significantly shorten. SupraCell series is a completely new quality of replacements!
Working in difficult conditions
If you often reach for your film or photography equipment outdoors, you surely know that batteries and their replacements can go crazy at very low temperatures. The Newell SupraCell EN-EL15C will provide you with optimal comfort in just such situations. When designing the cell, the engineers took into account extremely low and high temperatures (from 20 to 90ºC). The battery pack is also equipped with NTC resistors. They are responsible for temperature control of the cell, which is closed in a casing made of fire resistant material. All these improvements will allow you to forget about the complications associated with the use of the replacement and fully focus on your work or passion!
The Newell SupraCell replacement EN-EL15C battery uses an intelligent protection system based on the IC electronics. It regulates the charging process while ensuring a high level of safety. There are also a number of technologies that protect against overheating, overcharging and overloading. Thanks to all these innovations, the NP-FZ100 battery replacement guarantees even greater reliability and durability!
40-month manufacturer warranty
Newell means hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers from all over the world, who for over a dozen years have been able to enjoy high quality replacements for batteries used in various devices. It is with them in mind that the service warranty on all Newell products has been extended to 40 months. By choosing Newell batteries, you can be sure that they will serve you for at least 3 years while working and carrying out your passions!
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