SmallRig 4481 HawkLock ātrās atbrīvošanas kaste Sony A 7R V / A 7 IV / A 7S III / A 1
Tas bloē kameru, izmantojot vienu apakšējo fiksācijas tapu, vienu 1/4U0026quot;-20 skrūvi un vienu M2,5 skrūvi kreisajā pusē.
Sānu bloēšanas adapteri ir jāpielāgo uzstādīšanas virzienā, lai tie būtu piemēroti dažādiem kameru tipiem; ar uzrakstu U0026quot;A7 IVU0026quot; apzīmēts Alpha 7 IV un Alpha 7R V, bet ar uzrakstu U0026quot;A7S IIIU0026quot; apzīmēts Alpha 7S III / Alpha 1 / Alpha 7R IV.
Iebūvētas aizsargplāksnes, kas aizsargā kameru no saskrāpēšanas.
Kaste nodrošina piekļuvi saskarnēm, ciparnīcām, pogām vai akumulatora durtiņiem.
Akumulatora nodalījumā ir uzgriežņu atslēga, kas atbilst kameras izliekumam un atstāj vietu mazajam pirkstiņam, lai to varētu ērti satvert.
1/4U0026quot;-20 vītņotie caurumi, ARRI 3/8U0026quot;-16 atrašanās vietas noteikšanas caurumi un HawkLock aukstās kurpes stiprinājumi atbalsta SmallRig augšējo rokturi 2165, sānu rokturi 2093, monitora stiprinājumu 2903, mikrofonus, LED gaismas, monitorus utt.
Apakšējā QD ligzda atbalsta SmallRig QD plecu siksnu.
HawkLock Arca-Swiss ātrās atbrīvošanas plāksne apakšā ir saderīga ar DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 / RS 3 / RS 3 Pro, DJI RS 2 / RSC 2 stabilizatora ātrās atbrīvošanas plāksni (stāvplāksni) stabilizatora uzņemšanai ar stabilizatoru un SmallRig Arca-Swiss ātrās atbrīvošanas plāksni 3154.
Caurumi būra sānos un apakšā ļauj piestiprināt tādus piederumus kā SmallRig rokas siksna 2456.
Turklāt būrim ir iebūvēts magnētiskais uzgriežņu atslēga, kas atvieglo demontāžu un montāžu.
- Sony Alpha 7R V, A 7 IV, A 7S III, A 1 un A 7R IV
Iepakojumā ietilpst
Camera protection redesigned
The SmallRig 4481 HawkLock Quick Release Cage for Sony Alpha 7R V / Alpha 7 IV / Alpha 7S III / Alpha 1 / Alpha 7R IV is designed to attach accessories and protect the camera.
Give your camera protection and additional attachment options
Hawlock self developed quick release system
Always access your interfaces and so on
Self developed quick release system
The patented self developed quick release system (called HawkLock) covers cold shoes, NATO rail and arca swiss, which is used with HawkLock eco accessories to achieve a solid and no false position, one push to load, loose to lock and improve disassembly efficiency.
Customise your installation direction
The camera is locked via a pin on the bottom, a 1/4 20 screw and an M2.5 screw on the left side. The side locking adapters need to be adjusted in installation direction to fit different camera types, printed with A7 IV is for Alpha 7 IV and Alpha 7R V, while printed with A7S III is for Alpha 7S III / Alpha 1 / Alpha 7R IV. Built in protective spacers all around prevent scratching the camera.
Always access
The cage allows access to interfaces, dials, buttons or battery covers. There is a spindle key in the battery compartment that fits the curve of the camera and leaves room for a little finger for a comfortable grip.
Extensive mounting options
The 1/4 20 threaded holes, ARRI 3/8 16 mounting holes and HawkLock cold shoe mounts support top handle 2165C, side handle 2093, monitor mount 2903, microphones, LED lights, monitors, etc. The lower QD mount supports the QD shoulder strap. HawkLock Arca Swiss bottom quick release plate is compatible with DJI RS 2/RSC 2 / RS 3 / RS 3 Pro, DJI RS 2/RSC 2 stabiliser quick release plate (riser plate) for stabiliser shots and Arca Swiss quick release plate 3154. The holes on the sides and bottom of the cage allow attachment of accessories such as the PAC2456 hand strap. Moreover, the cage has a built in magnetic key that facilitates disassembly and assembly.,
Dimensions: 147.0 x 108.5 x 62.5 mm
Weight: 181 g
Material: aluminium alloy, silicone, stainless steel
2 year warranty
1 x SmallRig 4481 HawkLock Quick Release Cage for Sony Alpha 7R V / Alpha 7 IV / Alpha 7S III / Alpha 1 / Alpha 7R IV