Walimex pro Aptaris Universal stiprinājums kamerai un aksesuāriem 19738

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Līzinga kalkulators
Termiņš, mēn.
Pirmā iemaksa,
Aptaris ir kameras ietvars, kas sniedz papildu drošību filmēšanas laikā, kā arī ļauj pievienot dažādus aksesuārus. Pie kameras tas tiek piestiprināts ar standarta 1/4 skrūvi. Ietvara apakšā ir 3/8 vītne stiprināšanai pie dažādiem statīviem, bet aksesuāriem un rokturiem ir paredzētas 1/4 vītnes visās malās. Izgatavots no viegla un izturīga aviācijas alumīnija Aptaris ietvars sver tikai 300g. Komplektā ietilpst arī karstās pēdas stiprinājums, rokturis, 2 pagarinājumi un skrūves. Paredzēts visām standarta sistēmu kamerām.
    • innovative and flexible Cage-System to make system cameras suitable for accessories
    • many ј inch and one 3/8 inch thread for mounting accessories like LED-light, microphone, Follow Focus, etc.
    • suitable for most compact system cameras
    • made in Germany
    • made of extremely light and stable aircraft aluminium
    • adjustable handle, can be mounted from any side

    Aptaris – makes system cameras suitable for accessories
    A real innovation: The Aptaris Cage-System ”Made in Germany” makes system cameras suitable for accessories and thus enables professional results in filming and photography.

    fits most compact system cameras
    The universal version of walimex pro “Aptaris” fits most compact system cameras. “Aptaris” is thereby simply fastened to the camera by means of a 1/4 inch thread. A small metal device and the rubber coating on the camera mount additionally protect the camera against slipping. The vast number of further 1/4 inch threads on all sides as well as a 3/8 inch thread on the bottom side enable the use of lots of accessories, like microphones or LED-lights, just as desired. The adjustable handle, which can be mounted at the top, the bottom or at the sides, just as required, provides additional flexibility in use. This enables also filming near ground level. You can obviously also mount the “Aptaris” on a tripod. Due to the fitting accuracy, access to battery compartment, memory card etc. is in any case ensured. You can, at any time, optionally extend “Aptaris” with the rod module, additional hot shoe adapters or also with a separate L-angle for even more flexibility.

    Premium quality “Made in Germany”
    Developed and produced in Germany, “Aptaris” convinces with highest precision in workmanship, extraordinary materials and well thought-out engineering. Made of particularly light aircraft aluminium, the system is very comfortable in use and at the same time extremely loadable.

    General information

    Cage Compatibility CSC
    incl. handle Yes
    system Cage
    Width 83mm
    Weight 254g
    Height 147mm
    Length 127mm
    Material Aircraft-aluminium
    Product Color Black
    rattle clamp No


    modular system Yes


    Girth 528mm
    Height of Packaging 70mm
    Length of Packaging 200mm
    Packaging Material Carton
    Packaging with Euro Hole No
    Weight incl. Packaging 400g
    Width of Packaging 159mm
Produkta veidsKameras ietvars
Atbalsta sistēmasKameru ietvari
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